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单向度的人 马尔库塞

Herbert Marcuse. 1964 One-Dimensional Man. Studies in the Ideology of Advanced Industrial Society Written: 1964 Source: Marked-up and corrected: Andy Blunden. Contents Introduction: The Paralysis of Criticism: Society Without Opposition ONE-DIMENSIONAL SOCIETY 1. The New Forms of Control 2. The Closing of the Political Universe 3. The Conquest of the Unhappy Consciousness: Repressive Desublimation 4. The Closing of the Universe of Discourse ONE-DIMENSIONAL THOUGHT 5. Negative Thinking: The Defeated Logic of Protest 6. From Negative to Positive Thinking: The Logic of Domination 7. The Triumph of Positive Thinking: One-Dimensional Philosophy THE CHANCE OF THE ALTERNATIVES 8. The Historical Commitment of Philosophy 9. The Catastrophe of Liberation 10. Conclusion Introduction to the First Edition The Paralysis of Criticism: Society Without Opposition Does not the threat of an atomic catastrophe which could wipe out the human race also serve to protect the very forces which perpetuate this danger? The efforts to prevent such a catastrophe overshadow the search for its potential causes in contemporary industrial society. These causes remain unidentified, unexposed, unattacked by the public because they recede before the all too obvious threat from without - to the West from the East, to the East from the West. Equally obvious is the need for being prepared, for living on the blink, for facing the challenge. We submit to the peaceful production of the means of destruction, to the perfection of waste, to being educated for a defense which deforms the defenders and that which they defend. If we attempt to relate the causes of the danger to the war in which society is organized and organizes its members, we are immediately confronted with the fact that advanced industrial society becomes richer, bigger, and better as it perpetuates the danger. The defense structure makes life easier for a greater number of people and ext


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