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Best Buy Supplier EICC Code Application Training Course EICC行为准则解读与运用培训 说明General Instruction: 为了加深对EICC标准的理解, 为即将参加的Best Buy供应商EICC行为准则解读与运用培训课程做好准备,请在培训前仔细阅读EICC行为准则4.0版,并根据自己的理解完成以下自测题目。本自测题目的参加是自愿的,如果您愿意,请将完成的自测题目发送至 dfeng@verite-china.org . In order to understand more about the EICC standards and make a preparation for the coming Best Buy supplier EICC code application training course, please review the EICC Code Version 4.0 before the class. After reviewing, we recommend you to finish the following self-tests to deepen your understanding. If you like, you can return the completed test questionnaire by email to dfeng@verite-china.org 提示:请双击选项框以选择相应内容 Tips: Please click twice to choose the box 根据EICC行为准则,每个工作周的工时不能超过多少小时?According to the EICC Code of Conduct, a workweek cannot exceed more than how many total hours? 60 小时hours 72 小时hours 40 小时hours 48 小时hours 2. 根据EICC行为准则,所有的工人都被允许自由结社和加入工会,即使自由结社违反了所在国的劳动法规。According to the EICC Code, all workers are allowed to associate freely and to form and join unions even if not permitted under their countrys labor laws 是,EICC在自由结社这个问题上,并不承认地方劳动法规。Yes, the EICC does not recognize local labor laws regarding freedom of association. 否,EICC在自由结社这个问题上,遵照地方劳动法规的要求。No, the EICC defers to local labor laws regarding freedom of association. 3. 在一次审核中,审核员发现工厂有关于强迫劳工的详细政策。这个厂的一个主要劳务中介的代表被访时表示,她的公司并没有这样的政策。根据EICC行为准则,这家供应商是否合规?During an audit, the auditors found that the factory had very comprehensive policies against forced labor. A representative of a major labor recruiter to the factory interviewed during the course of the audit reported her company did not have any such policies. According to the EICC Code, is the supplier in conformance? 这家供应商符合EICC关于强迫劳工的要求The supplier conforms to the EICC forced labor requirements. 这家供应商没能确保它的转承包商和劳务中介有抵制强迫劳工的政策与程序The supplier failed to ensure that its subcontractors and labor recruiters had policies and procedures against forced labor. 4. 访谈的工人报告他们要在工作台处用餐,这样在生产旺季时就可以一边用餐一边工作了。这是否违反了


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