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15 5 Vol15 No5 2010 10 JOURNAL OF HARBIN UN IVERSITY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY Oct. 2010 张文博 ( , 10008 ) : 为了探讨不同负荷状态下木材的机械吸附蠕变及其回复的性能, 利用机械吸附蠕变的 测量方 , 测定了负荷状态下的吸湿解吸过程; 负荷下状态的吸湿过程以及之后的无负荷状态下 的解吸过程; 负荷状态下的解吸过程以及之后的无负荷状态下的吸湿过程. 结果表明: AD 过程 在 5次水分循环后, 最大蠕变为 Da过程的 2倍; 在吸湿回复过程中, AD 变定呈现 一个线性回复 经过; A d变定和 Da变定在负荷含水率区间出现了一个拐点; ! 拐点前后变定的回复差异表明木 材对变定形成的负荷含水率区间具有记忆效果. : 变定回复; 吸湿和解吸; 水分记忆; 拐点 : S78171 : A : 1007- 268 ( 2010) 05- 0006- 04 M oisture Recovery E ffect of M echanosorptive Creep inW ood ZHAN G W enB o ( Co llege ofM aterials Science and Techno logy, Beijing Forestry University, Beijing 10008 , China) Abs tract: To study the properties of mechanosorptive creep and recovery in w ood, adopting the mechano sorptive creepmeasuring method, w emeasure the follow ing processes: absorption and desorption under continuous load (AD); absorption under load and then desorptionw ithout load ( Ad); desorption under load and then absorp tionw ithout load ( Da). The results show: 1) aftermoisture circulates five tmi es, themaxmi al creep ofAD process is two tmi es that of Da process; 2) during the absorption recovery process, AD drying set show s a linear recovery process; a turning point occurs duringAd drying set and Da drying set betw een different loadmoisture contents; ) the d ifferences in drying set recovery before and after the turning point show thatwood has thememory of loadmois ture contents resu lting from drying set. K ey w ord s: recovery of drying set; absorption and desorption; moisturememory; turning point


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