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基于椭球面屈服模型的钢框架梁柱全焊节点断裂分析 苏仁权 董伟娜 陕西铁路工程职业技术学院建筑工程系 X 关注成功! 加关注后您将方便地在 我的关注中得到本文献的被引频次变化的通知! 新浪微博 腾讯微博 人人网 开心网 豆瓣网 网易微博 摘????要: 为研究钢框架梁柱节点的受力情况和抗断设计, 对梁柱全焊节点进行了基于椭球面屈服模型和椭球面断裂模型的数值模拟和断裂分析, 结果显示:该节点的破坏发生在梁下翼缘对接焊缝处, 这一点与实际震害和数值分析结果相吻合, 且数值模拟滞回曲线形状与试验结果相似, 呈纺锤形且比较饱满, 但数值模拟的包络面积稍大于试验值, 屈服载荷和极限载荷均有所增加, 总体上看, 基于椭球面强度模型的模拟滞回曲线与试验结果吻合较好, 满足工程精度。建议的椭球面断裂模型对预测钢框架节点开裂有较高精度, 但由于数值模拟过程中未考虑焊接缺陷和焊接残余应力的不利影响而略偏于保守。 关键词: 钢框架节点; 椭球面屈服模型; 对接焊缝; 断裂指数; 数值模拟; 作者简介:苏仁权 (1982-) , 男, 陕西渭南人, 硕士, 讲师, 主要从事钢结构抗震性能方面研究。 基金:陕西铁路工程职业技术学院常规项目 (2014-18) Fracture Analysis of Steel Frame Welding Joints Based on Yield Ellipsoidal Model SU Ren-quan DONG Wei-na School of Civil Engineering, Shaanxi Railway Institute; Abstract: To study rupture mechanism and fracture design of steel frame joints, the numerical simulations and fracture analysis were tested on steel beam-to-column welding connections based on yield ellipsoidal model. The destruction of the joint occurred at the butt weld where was under the beam flange, and this was in conformity with the actual earthquake damage and the results of numerical analysis. The hysteresis curves, drew by numerical simulation and experiment, were all in spindle and more full, but the envelope area of the numerical simulation was slightly greater than the experimental value, the yield load and ultimate load increased. Generally, the data of this experiment was stability and qualitatively revealed fracture rules, the metal ellipsoidal fracture model had higher accuracy and slightly more conservative to predict steel frame joints fractured, because of not considering the negative impact of the weld defects and welding residual stress in the process of numerical simulation. Keyword: steel frame joints; yield ellipsoidal model; butt weld; fracture index; numerical simulation; 0 引言 在美国北岭和日本阪神地震中, 钢框架连接发生了大量脆断, 引出人们对钢结构断裂认识的困惑及对断裂预防缺乏有效地防治。早在20世纪60年代, Bluhm[1]、Taira和Tanaka[2]分别提出厚度对开孔板的断裂影响, Mc Clintock[3]和Rice与Tracey[4]亦证明了静水压力对金属断裂延性有很大影响。在随后的诸多研究中, 人们发


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