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牛舍清洁机器人结构设计与避障设计 尧李慧 蔡晓华 田雷 侯云涛 黑龙江八一农垦大学 黑龙江省农业机械工程科学研究院 X 关注成功! 加关注后您将方便地在 我的关注中得到本文献的被引频次变化的通知! 新浪微博 腾讯微博 人人网 开心网 豆瓣网 网易微博 摘????要: 对牛舍清洁机器人的结构与避障设计进行分析与研究, 并针对清洁机器人在完成清洁任务的过程中遭遇障碍物及运行路径的全覆盖问题, 对清洁机器人的运动机构与外形结构进行分析。同时, 对清洁机器人重要设备如电机、电池及控制器等进行选型, 通过对各障碍物进行分类识别, 并结合迂回式路径规划算法和靠墙或牛栏等障碍物的避障策略, 实现清洁机器人对牛舍的全方位清扫工作。实践证明:在基于障碍物分类识别的迂回式避障策略设计与靠墙或牛栏障碍物避障策略设计, 在清洁机器人发展历程中起着关键性的作用。 关键词: 牛舍; 清洁机器人; 避障策略; 障碍物分类识别; 作者简介:尧李慧 (1993-) , 女, 安徽滁州人, 硕士研究生, (E-mail) 1834386316@。 作者简介:蔡晓华 (1968-) , 男, 哈尔滨人, 研究员级高级工程师, (E-mail)。 收稿日期:2016-11-30 基金:“十二五”国家科技支撑计划项目 (2014BAD08B10) Design and Research of Automatic Barn Cleaner Path Planning Yao Lihui Cai Xiaohua Tian Lei Hou Yuntao Heilongjiang Bayi Agriculture university; Scientific Research Institute of Agricultural Mechanical Engineering in Heilongjiang; Abstract: This article is mainly to the barn to the structure of the cleaning robot and obstacle avoidance design, analysis and research for cleaning robot in the process of cleaning task encountered obstacles, as well as the path for the whole problem, to clean the robot’s motion mechanism and shape structure is analyzed.And the cleaning robot is the important equipment such as selection of motor, battery, the controller and so on.Through the study of the classification of obstacle.And combining the circuitous path planning algorithm and relies on a wall or stall obstacles, and combining the circuitous path planning algorithm and relies on a wall or stall obstacles such as obstacle avoidance strategy.Achieve the full range of cleaning robot for the barn cleaning work.Experiments prove that the indirect type obstacle avoidance strategy based on obstacle classification design and relies on a wall or obstacle avoidance strategy design, kraal obstacle in cleaning robot plays a key role in the development process. Keyword: oxtall; cleaner; obstacle avoidance strategy; obstacle classification; Received: 2016-11-30 0 引言 当前, 机器人已经成为人类生活的重要组成部分, 在人类的生活、学习与工作中体现得淋漓尽致, 极


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