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冰 川 冻 土 第 25 卷 第 3 期 2 0 0 3 年 6 月 Vol . 25 No . 3 J un. 2 0 0 3 J OU RNAL O F GL ACIOL O GY AND GEOCR YOL O GY 文章编号 :100020240 (2002) 0320309206 The Vulnera bil ity of Wa ter Resources in North west China (中国西北水资源的脆弱性) L IU Chun2zhen (刘春蓁) ( Hy d rological B u rea u , M i nist ry of W ater Resou rces of Chi na , Bei ji n g 100053 , Chi na) Abstract : The vulnerability of water resources in Nort hwest China were described in terms of t he sensitivity and adap tabilit y of water resource systems effected by climate change and human activities. Most measures t hat reduce t he vulnerability are closely linked wit h decreasing t he sensitivity of climate change or human activ2 it y . In ot her words , t he interactio n of climate factors and human activity may eit her exacerbate or mitigate t he vulnerability of water resources. St udying bot h positive and negative event s in terms of sustainable utilizatio n of water resources in t he past , may establish t he sound st rategic base in regulating f urt her human activity. The knowledge and correct awareness of recent and f ut ure tendencies of hydro2climatic co nditio n may serve as an imperative scientific base for taking such actio ns as : 1) undertaking st ruct ural and no n2st ruct ural (e. g. , poli2 cy , law , and forecasting) measures in a reaso nable way ; 2 ) coordinating and allocating bot h differences of time and space bet ween inflow water and water use and bet ween water yield area and water assump tio n area as well Key words : sensitivity ; adap tabilit y ; vulnerability Document code : A CLC number : P339 and management levels2 . Alt ho ugh a certain water 1 Int ro ductio n reso urces system is very sensitive , t he high adap tabil2 it y t here may make t he system less adversely be ef2 fected and t hus t he system is not suscep tible to t he vulnerabilit y , and vice versa . The vulnerabilit y of a water reso urces system in a regio n effected by climate change o r h


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