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600 MW 段 宝, 李 峰, 张志军 华北电力科学研究院( 西安)有限公司, 陕西 西安 710065 [ ] 结合大唐彬长发电厂(简称彬长发电厂) 1 号超临界600 MW 机 50%100% 甩负荷试 验中锅炉均未跳闸的成功经验,分析了超临界机 甩负荷试验中锅炉侧控制的难点, 提 出了通过合理利用旁路系统压力控制阀(PCV) 迅速减少燃煤量和锅炉余热蒸发量及 蒸汽压力快速起动炉水循环泵建立合理的锅炉补给水方式维持直流锅炉的最小给 水流量自动控制和及时的手动调整方式控制各燃烧参数稳定防止因分离器水位过高 使过热器进水及时关闭减温水电动阀等方法减少蒸汽温度的下降幅度, 以降低甩负荷 试验的风险 [ ] 超临界;600 MW 机 ; 甩负荷;锅炉; 泄压方式; 给水; 燃烧; 蒸汽温度;控制 [ ] T K323 [] B [ ] 2010 [DOI ] 10.3969/j.issn. 2010.09.085 CONTROL MEASURES FROM BOILER SIDE IN LOAD REJECTION TEST OF SUPERCRITICAL 600 MW UNIT UAN Bao, LI Feng,ZHANG Zhijun North China Electric Power Research Institute (Xi an) Co Ltd, Xi an 710065, Shaanxi Province, PRC Abstract:combined with successful experiences of boiler hadn t tripped during 50% and 100% load re jection tests of supercritical 600 MW unit no. 1 in atang Binchang Power Plant,the difficult points of control from boiler side in load rejection test of supercritical units have been analysed,and some meas ures being put forward to decrease the drop magnitude of steam temperature, including suitably using thebypass system and PCV valve,rapidly decreasing the feed of fuel coal, as well as the evaporation ca pacity produced by residual heat of boiler, and the steam pressure; rapidly stratup the circulatory pump of boiler water, establishing the reasonable makeup water supplying mode for the boiler,maintaining the minimum flow rate of feedwater into the oncethrough boiler; using automatic control and timely manual adjustment mode to control all combustion parameters,make them to be stabilized; preventing water enters into the superheater due to too high waterleve


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