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精品论文 参考文献 MSCT在急性腰腹痛患者梗阻性尿外渗中的诊断价值 向彬   (成都市武侯区人民医院妇幼保健院放射科 610041)   【摘要】 目的:探讨多层螺旋CT(multisliecs helieal CT,MSCT)在急性腰腹痛患者梗阻性尿外渗中的诊断价值。方法:以我院2014年1月—2014年12月因急性腰腹痛就诊的36例患者为研究对象,患者入院后均给予MSCT检查,采用多平面重建(MPR)、曲面重建(CPR)及附加容积再现(VR)等技术处理图像,分析MSCT图像表现。结果:36例患者MSCT平扫均见患侧肾脏体积增大,密度降低,肾盂输尿管轻中度扩张积水,26例输尿管周围见液性渗出样密度影。MPR及CPR清晰显示输尿管全程梗阻,伴尿外渗征象。增强扫描可见患侧肾脏强化程度较对侧低,动脉期患侧皮髓质强化延迟,肾周与盆腔内低密度影未见强化。结论:MSCT在急性腰腹痛患者梗阻性尿外渗中具有良好的诊断价值,能清晰显示病变范围与梗阻原因,不良损害少,适合于临床推广。   【关键词】多层螺旋CT;梗阻性尿外渗;腰腹痛   【中图分类号】R445 【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】2095-1752(2015)30-0056-02   The value of MSCT in the diagnosis of obstructive urinary extravasation of patients with acute flank abdominal pain   Xiang Bing   People's Hospital of Wuhou District, Chengdu 610041,China   【Abstract】 Objective To investigate the value of multi-slice spiral CT (MSCT) in the diagnosis of obstructive urinary extravasation of patients with acute flank abdominal pain. Methods 36 patients admitted into the hospital for consulting because of acute flank abdominal pain during January 2014 to December 2014 were taken as the research objects. After admittion, all the patient were given MSCT examination. The images were processed by technologies such as multi planar reconstruction (MPR), surface reconstruction (CPR) and additional volume representation (VR). MSCT image performance was analyzed. Results MSCT scan showed that the renal volume on the affected side of all the 36 patients increased. The density decreased. There were mild-to-moderate hydronephrosis and ureterectasis and 26 cases with liquid- exudation density shadow around the ureter. MPR and CPR clearly demonstrated that the ureter was completely obstructed, with signs of urinary extravasation. Enhanced CT scan showed that the enhancement degree of the kidney of the affected side was lower than that of the contralateral side. The corticomedullary enhancement of the affected side in arterial phase was delayed. There was no enhancement in perinephric and pelvic


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