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英汉语言差异之十 替换与重复 Substitutive vs. Reiterative Introductory English students are urged not to “use the same word or write the same thing twice in a sentence unless you are repeating intentionally for emphasis or for clarity”. This is because repetition is considered by stylists to be careless, clumsy and boring . What kind of repetitions is to be avoided in English language? 英语中要避免的4种重复 1) syllabic 语音重复 Eg. Commercials seldom make for entertaining and relaxing listening. Improved as: Commercials seldom entertain and relax listeners. 2) Lexical 词汇重复 We listened to an account of the customs of the inhabitants of the village. Improved as: We listened to an account of the villagers’ customs. 3) Syntactical 句法重复 Eg. Now is the time for everyone to come out to vote, for everything depends upon this election. All are against corruption, and so they should vote the Reform ticket. This is not a foolish thing, for the voters can elect anyone they want. But the people must turn out heavily, for if they do there is little doubt that they will elect the men they want. Improved as: Everybody should turn out to vote in this lection, for the triumph of the Reform party means the end of corruption in office. If the voters will only come to the polls in large enough number, they can surely elect the men they wish to see in power. 4) Semantic语义重复 Eg.He asked the divisions to give their mutual cooperation to the project. Improved as: He asked the division to cooperate on the project. Means employed in English language to avoid repetition 英语避免重复的方式 替代 省略 变换 名词性 替代 分句性 替代 动词性 替代 用代词或部分名词代替名词 用替代词代替谓语动词/组 用替代词so/not代替that 从句 省略并列结构中已出现词语 承前省略谓语动词或其中部分 概括词替换下属词 同义(同指称)重复 1 Substitution(替代): Definition[定义]: An approach by which pro-forms are used to replace the shared word or content in a sentence or neighboring lines. R. Quirk points out that Like ellipsis, substitution is a device for abbreviating and for avoiding repetition. In this second respect it is similar to the use of lexical equival


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