8A Unit 5 Wild animals 课课练.doc

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8A Unit 5 Wild animals 课课练

8A Unit 5 Wild animals 课时练 Period 1 一、单词拼写 1. How much do you know about ____________ (野生的) animals? 2. Everyone should have ________ (同情) on the disabled persons and try our best to help them. 3. The woman looks so young. In ___________(事实), she is over forty. 4. The poor little girl ____________ (死) on a cold winter morning because of coldness. 5. You’re ____________ (自由的) to come and go as you like. 6. Be careful! It’s very __________ (danger) to play with fire. 7. Man cannot live ____________ (with) water or air. 8. In the zoo, I watched a monkey show. I think it is the ___________ (funny) part of the day. 9. New Year’s Day is ____________ (come). How are you going to celebrate it? 10. My mother often cools delicious _____________ (dish) for me at the weekend. 二、单项选择 ( ) 1. You will learn ________ about wild animals by ________ this article. A. lots of; reading B. a lot; to read C. a lot; reading D. many; to read ( ) 2. Please have pity _________ these young people. They come far away and have nothing to eat. A. for B. to C. at D. on ( ) 3. Your mother _________ know the truth, but I’m not sure. A. must B. can C. have to D. may ( ) 4. Maybe animals can live better in the zoo. But they are not _______ or happy. A. strong B. healthy C. free D. worried ( ) 5. —Is the film interesting? —I thought it would be. But _________, it’s very boring. A. in all B. in fact B. in need D. no problem ( ) 6. —Which animal do you like best? 梍________. They live in the sea and are very friendly to humans. A. Tigers B. Dolphins C. Lions D. Elephants ( ) 7. 桳ook at the bird over there! Itr,’s so beautiful. 梂ow, it ’s a rare (稀有的) crane. It ________ appears (出现) in this area. A. always B. usually C. seldom D. often ( ) 8. —Mum, can I stay at home and play computer games? —__


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