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2015年江苏英语高考作文: 请根据以下信息用英语写一遍150词左右的文章 The other day, a netizen(网民) shared a photo on Sina Weibo. It was about an old lady standing in front of a car that was on a bicycle lane(车道), and insisting that it leave the track. The photo drew about 7,000 comments on the social media platform. Despite the thumb-up given to the old lady, some argued that attention should be paid to our heavy road traffic.前几天,一个网民在新浪微博里分享了一张照片。这张照片是关于一位老妇站在一辆占用自行车道的汽车前面。这张照片在社交媒体上吸引了大约7000条评论。尽管很多人对老妇的行为点赞,但一些人认为我们更应该关注严峻的交通问题。 2.Some riders of e-bikes and bicycles come and go in all directions, ignoring traffic lights and other vehicles. Such rude riding contributes to the disorder of traffic. Thus the avoidable road accidents become unavoidable.一些骑电动车和自行车的人从四面八方来来往往,他们忽视交通信号灯或是其他车辆。如此莽撞的骑行导致交通混论。因此,道路交通事故变得不可避免。 3.From 2005 to 2014, the total number of private cars in China rose sharply from 32 million to 154 million. Currently, China had 15% of the world’s total vehicles.从2005年到2014年,私家车总数从3200万辆急剧地攀升至1亿5千4百万辆。目前,中国已占到世界交通工具总量的15%。 写作内容:用约30个词概括上述信息的主要内容 结合上述信息,综合分析导致交通问题的主要原因 根据你的分析,从社会规范()和个人行为两方面谈谈你得到的启示(不少于两点) 写作要求:写作中不必引入原文语句。 作文中不必出现真实学校与姓名 不必写标题 评分标准:内同完整,语句通顺,语篇连贯,字数适当 The sharply(急剧地)increasing traffic issue is a hard nut to crack(一个棘手的问题). It not only affects our daily life, but may also threaten people’s lives. The three selections presented above are typical examples. Quite a few(许多) things give rise to(引起)the traffic problem. To begin with, In spite of the large-scale(大规模的)construction of roads and highways(高速公路), there is still much room for improvement, because of the ever increasing number of cars these years. What’s more, some driver(司机), cyclists(骑自行车的人) and pedestrians(行人) do not think it vital(至关重要的) to obey traffic rules. As far as I am concerned, For one thing, traffic rules are part of the rules and regulations(社会规范) which are closely related to public order(公共秩序). Without them, people could not enjoy harmony or the country woul


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