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新编商务英语函电练习答案 Unit 2 The Structure and Styles of Business Letters Arrange the following information in a proper form as they should be set out in a business letter (Omitted) Read the following letter and try to point out the problems in this letter The writing and position of the date are wrong. The date should be spelt like “June 7th, 2006”. The position of “attention” is not correct. The attention line should be placed above the salutation line in a letter. But in this letter, there is not need to write attention line, for the inside address indicates that this letter is only addressed to that Department. Dear Sirs should be changed into “ Dear Clara J. Smith Delete the “Best wishes” line. Fill in each of the blanks in the following letter with an appropriate word or expressions given in the box. set 2. attention 3. comparable 4. but 5. appreciate 6. fresh 7. dependable Writing Practice Dear Mr. Liu, Thank you for your letter in which you ask me to tell you about ways to keep your letter a neat appearance. There are some ways to help us to keep letters a clear and neat appearance, and they usually vary to a great extent, but the following are some well-accepted guidelines: Leave a good margin on both sides (2-5cm) and on top and bottom (3-5cm); Use quality paper for both your letter and envelope; Use a good printer, preferably a laser printer, to achieve the best position effect; Eliminate spelling mistakes and use good English. Hope that these can help you a lot. If you have any questions, please let me know. Yours sincerely Zhang Luyuan Unit 3 Establishing Business Relations 1. Put the following terms or phrases from English into Chinese or vice versa. (1) 工艺 (2) 目录 (3) 领事 (4) 价格单 (5) 专营 (6) 促进……销售 (7) by separate mail (8)to enter into…relations with… (9) in compliance with their requirements (9) to open up a market in China (11) stable financial status (12) to enjoy high popularity 2. Fill in the blanks of the following le


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