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体育英语 篮球篇

篮球英语 A Assist[?sist] 助功 Yao is the assist machine!姚明是一台主助攻击器 B Backboard [b?kb?:d]篮板 That air ball went no where near the backboard那个篮外空心球投得离篮板太远了。 Baseball pass:(快攻时)长传 The trickle of voters turning out for the pointless board election will pass banners celebrating the new season of the world baseball champions, the St Louis Cardinals.那慢慢行进的,参加这毫无疑义的选举队伍会通过那些横幅标语,庆祝世界棒球冠军队圣路易斯红雀队的新赛季。 Baseball pass:(快攻时)长传 The trickle of voters turning out for the pointless board election will pass banners celebrating the new season of the world baseball champions, the St Louis Cardinals.那慢慢行进的,参加这毫无疑义的选举队伍会通过那些横幅标语,庆祝世界棒球冠军队圣路易斯红雀队的新赛季。 Buzzer beater[b?z?] :比赛结束前的最后 In basketball, a buzzer beater/at the buzzer is a shot taken just before the game clock of a period expires, when the buzzer sounds.在篮球中,绝杀是指在比赛或者单节终止前和终止哨声吹响时的命中 一投 Bounce pass:击地传球 Minutes later, with McGrady posting up, Wells faked a cut toward the free-throw line, then took off backdoor, taking a no-look bouncepass from McGrady for another layup.几分钟后,当麦蒂投篮的时候,威尔斯假装拉到3分线外,然后突然回撤,得到了麦蒂一个无人防守的击地传球,再次上蓝成功。 Block shot:盖帽(缩写:Blk.) Furthermore, there were no significant differences on assists, block shot, free throw percentages and three-point shot percentages before and after the implementation of the 2000 Basketball Rules.除此之外,在2000年国际篮球规则实施前后的助攻次数、阻攻次数、罚球命中率以及三分球命中率,则未有显著差异存在。 Baseline[beislain]底线。球场两端的边界线 So its important when you are playing against these players, play, yeah, closer to the baseline, if possible, no? 所以,遇到这样的选手,你要和他们打,重要的是,尽量靠近底线,如果有可能的话,不是吗? Block shot阻攻,盖火锅儿 Furthermore, there were no significant differences on assists, block shot, free throw percentages and three-point shot percentages before and after the implementation of the 2000 Basketball Rules.除此之外,在2000年国际篮球规则实施前后的助攻次数、阻攻次数、罚球命中率以及三分球命中率,则未有显著差异存在。 Bank shot擦板球 Bank shot: A shot that is aimed at a spot on the backboard so that it caroms, or banks, into the basket.擦板入蓝(bank shot):以篮板上一点为目标投篮,所以球可以反弹,或者“擦板”进入篮筐里。 C Coach [k?ut?]教练 GuoShiQia


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