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中南大学20级第三学期口语考试试题(《新》)2013年1月考试须知:1、请各位老师仔细阅读《口试评分细则》,为保证考试的严肃和公平,请严格按照统一的评分细则打分2、考试结束后,请把学生成绩和本考试题卷交教研室。监考教师签名: 2011级口语考试实施细则 20年1月考试简介:口试成绩占英语学期成绩的25%,即: 考试性质:考查学生的语音语调,测量学生就日常话题进行交谈和就所熟悉的主题进行口头交际的能力。考试内容紧扣。 考试形式:考试采用面对面的形式,每场考试由1名教师考官和3或4名考生组成。试题构成 口语考试分三部分 部分 题型 时间 分值 说明 Part Ⅰ 3分钟 考生抽签→准备→开始 Part Ⅱ 问答 3分钟 Part Ⅲ 讨论话题 34分钟 40 考试成绩评定 考试评分标准有三项,即:“语言的准确性”、“话语的连贯性”和“语言交际是否积极主动”。口试总分为100分,分为A(85—100)、B(75—84)、C(60—74)和D(不及格)四个等级。为方便考官记分,特制定等级标准表供参考。 等级 等级描述 A(85—100) 发音较好,语音语调正确,流利; 能就熟悉的题材进行口头交际,基本上没有困难。 B(75—84) 发音尚可,语音语调节器基本正确性,基本连贯; 能就熟悉的题材进行口头交际,虽有困难,但不影响交际。 C(60—74) 发音尚有缺陷,不够连贯; 能就熟悉的题材进行口头交际。 D(不及格) 发音较差,毫无连贯性;不具备口头交际能力(不及格) Test 1 PartⅠ Reciting Recite the required paragraphs in Unit 1. PartⅡ Answering Questions Where are you from? Will you please tell us the way of life in your hometown? Are the people in your hometown satisfied with their way of life? Why or why not? In your opinion, which is better, living in the country or living in the city? What do you think of your present way of life on campus? How can you live a successful college life? What factors do you think lead to success in an oral English examination/ your study/ a job interview? PartⅢ Topic Discussion 1. Discuss and try to find out some “possible ways to improve the quality of our lives on campus”. 2. Discuss to see if you can agree on “how to fulfill your ambitions”. Test 2 PartⅠ Reciting Recite the required paragraphs in Unit 2. PartⅡ Answering Questions What does freedom mean to you? Do you think you are living a free life? Please explain. Which do you prefer, wealth or freedom? Why? How do you balance between your busy school life and your pursuit of freedom in your daily life? Do you know some heroes who fought for freedom? Who are they? What should be done to ensure that students have a happy time at college? What’s your opinion of “Happiness lies in what we are doing”? Do you think people with freedom enjoy a happier life? Why do you say so? PartⅢ Topic Discussion Discus


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