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中美军事关系相关词汇军事关系 military hardware development 武器装备发展 fence-mending visit 修好访问 high-level military exchanges 高级别军事交流 armed forces 陆海空三军/武装力量 military/military-to-military ties 两军关系 reduce misunderstanding and miscalculation?减少误解和误判 resolve disagreements 消除分歧 Peoples Liberation Army (PLA) 中国人民解放军 Second Artillery Corps of the Peoples Liberation Army 解放军第二炮兵部队 arms sales 军售 mutual trust 互信 national defense policy 国防政策 Asia-Pacific strategy 亚太地区战略 hegemony 霸权 military expansion 军事扩张 arms race 军备竞赛 military confrontation 军事对抗 joint communique 联合公报 in the spirit of respect, mutual trust, equality and reciprocity 本着“尊重、互信、对等、互惠”的原则 safeguard Chinas national sovereignty, security and territorial integrity 维护国家主权、安全和领土完整 武器装备 J-20 stealth fighter jet 歼20隐形战机 radar-eluding fighter jet 隐形战机 anti-access weapons 反介入武器 test flight 试飞 short-range missiles 短程导弹 surface-to-surface missiles 地对地导弹 missile interception test 反导试验/导弹拦截试验 joint drill/exercises 联合军演 ground training 地面训练 aircraft carriers 航空母舰 maximum firing range 最大射程 offensive weapons 进攻性武器 missile arsenal 导弹库? anti-ship missile 反舰导弹 fourth generation jet fighter 第四代战机 Patriot air-defense missile systems 爱国者反导系统 译协研讨会热词中英对照1.在这举世瞩目的世博年 in this remarkable year of Shanghai Expo 2.大型实景歌舞演出 real-scene musical extravaganza/musical on the site 3. 高雅艺术 high art, serious arts, classical art forms 4.提高全民文明素质、文化素质 improve the civility and cultural level of the populace/improve education on culture, civility and arts 5.人文交流 cultural and people-to-people exchange 6.各美其美,美人之美,美美与共,天下大同 Appreciate the culture/values of others as do to ones own, and the world will become a harmonious whole./Everybody cherishes his or her own culture/values, and if we respect and treasure others culture/values, the world will be a harmonious one. 7.国家级文化生态保护区 National Cultural Ecology Reserve/National Reserve for Cultural Ecology 8. 国家文化产业示范基地 National Cultural Industry Demonstration Base 9. 国家重大历史题材美术创作工程(大型主题性艺术创作工程) National Project


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