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七年级(下) Units 1~4(45分钟 100分) 第Ⅰ卷 (共60分) Ⅰ. 单项选择(30分) ( )1. (2012·烟台中考)Between the two hills______a deep river. A. are B. have C. has D. is ( )2. (2012·随州中考)—______will Mrs. Lin go to Canada? —To see her daughter there. A. How B. When C. Why D. What ( )3. (2011·北海中考)David usually takes ______ walk for an hour after dinner. A. a B. an C. the D. / ( )4. Cathy ______ from Canada but her aunt Miss Green ______ Chinese. A. comes; is B. is; comes C. comes; is from ( )5. I’ll call you up as soon as I ______in London. A. reach B. arrive C. get ( )6. —How much did you ______ the dictionary? —12 yuan. A. take B. spend C. pay for ( )7. Steve likes to have fun ______ with his dog, Fido. A. play B. playing C. to play ( )8. (2012·滨州中考)—______is your father? —A bank clerk. He works in a bank near my home. A. Where B. How C. What D. Which ( )9. —What do you want to ______? —I’d like to become a teacher like you. A. be B. get C. take ( )10. The dolphin in the pool is so______that it can make everyone laugh. A. ugly B. small C. cute ( )11. My sister can______three languages. A. say B. talk C. speak ( )12. —Excuse me. ______ is the post office, please? —It’s over there, across from the bank. A. How B. Which C. Where ( )13. If you try to sit on two chairs, you will fall ______ them. For life, you must choose one chair. A. between B. under C. among ( )14. My father enjoys______football matches on TV. A. watch B. to watch C. watching ( )15. —I am going to Alison’s birthday party tonight. —______ your new jacket, Betty. You are not supposed to______ your old one. A. Dress; put on B. Wear; dress C. Put on; wear Ⅱ. 完形填空(20分) One day before my final exam, my dad gave me a gift. It completely changed my life. On that day I had a 1 with my friends and it was a difficult time with my studies. I was unhappy. Then I noticed the gift. I 2 it and saw a DVD


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