gmat语法考点 kahn.docx

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gmat语法考点 kahn

逻辑主语。位于句首的doing或done的动作发出者或承受着即为逻辑主语,逻辑主语等于主句主语。这是做语法题时第一个需要重视的考点,第一遍先浏览题目,就能发现考点,最关键的是句子的逻辑意思,选项会在句首放置不同的名词或者是代词,把逻辑意思搞懂才能知道谁才应该是句首doing或者done的动作发出者。(若句首的doing或者done是没有划线的,后面划线部分主语必须用一个明确的名词才行。这种情况下,主句主语用代词it或者they必定错,因为指代不明。),当然考试的时候,会将多个考点融合,比如平行结构,单复数等等。例1:旧prep1-14Having finally reached a tentative labor agreement with its companys pilots, it must now be determined by the airlines board of directors how the airline can both increase profits and compete more effectively for customers than they did in the past.(A) it must now be determined by the airlines board of directors how the airline can both increase profits and compete more effectively for customers than they did in the past(B) it must now be determined by the airlines board of directors how the airline can both increase profits and must compete more effectively than in the past for customers(C) the airlines board of directors must now determine both how to make the airline increase profits and compete more effectively for customers than they did in the past(D) the airlines board of directors must now determine how the airline can both increase profits and compete more effectively for customers than it did in the past(E) the airlines board of directors must now determine how the airline can both increase profits and also how to make it compete more effectively than in the past for customers 2.主谓一致逻辑主语判断完之后,紧接着就要注意单复数的情况,在大多数情况下,GMAT语法都是通过名词后面加不加S判断单复数,当然也有例外。这些看起来简单,但经常在做题的时候忽略掉,一定要养成下意识地去往后看单复数是否符合,这样可以提高效率。(1)比较难的单复数是倒装句,因为此时主语在后面,如果不能理解句子逻辑意思,看清句子结构就会出错。一定要有发现倒装的能力。诀窍:在谓语前面找不到主语(介宾短语,形容词,副词永远不做主语,among谓语句首一般是倒装)。例2:旧prep1-139On Earth, among the surest indications of sunspot cycles are believed to be the rate that trees grow, as seen in the rings visible in the cross sections of their trunks.(A) On Earth, among the surest indications of sunspot cyclesare believed to be the rate that trees grow(B) On Earth, among the surest indications of sunspot cyclesare, it is believed, the rate of tree growth(C) On E


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