have you ever been to singpore教学设计.docx

have you ever been to singpore教学设计.docx

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have you ever been to singpore教学设计

Unit 13We’re trying to save the earth!Section A 3aReading: Save the Sharks!教学设计 北流市铜州中学 陈 艳 Unit13 We’re trying to save the sharks!Section A 3a Save the Shark!Part1 Status and Function This lesson is a reading passage. It plays a very important part in English teaching of this unit. By learning this lesson, students can improve their reading ability, learn more about Singapore.Part2 Teaching Aims and Demands1. Knowledge Objects 1)Key vocabulary: sharks,fin,cruel,harmful,at the top of,chain,industry,etc. 2) Key phrases: be harmful to, at top of, the food chainAbility Objects 1) Try to develop the student abilities of reading and writing 2) Try to improve the students’ communicating and integrating skills .3. Moral Objects Know about how to protect the environmentPart3 Teaching Key points New words and key phrasesHow to understand the text better.Part4 Teaching Difficult points1. How to take notes about a passage2. How to retell the passage Part5 Teaching Methods1. Communicative method 2. Task-based method3. Group work or individual work method Part6 Teaching AidsMultimediaThe blackboardPart7 Teaching proceduresStepsTeacher’s activitiesStudents’ activitiesWhysStep 1Warming-up and Leading-inGive some picturesPlay a video.Listen to the song and try to say the name of the song.Warm the class and make the students relaxed.Step 2Pre-reading1.Show some pictures about killing the sharks 2.point out some new words3. ask some questionslearn the new words2.Answer the questionsRaise the Ss’ learning interest. Step 3While-reading1.Fast reading Scanning4. Careful readingRead the article in different ways to finish the tasks.Try to use different ways to improve students’ reading skills.Step 4Post-reading Make notes Let the students retell the passage.Fill in the blanks 2.Retell the passageReview the knowledge.2Step 5HomeworkWhat should we do to save the animals ? Write at least two suggestions 2.Do a survey about animals of local zoo,and share it with us. .Do the homework af


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