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无线电英文通信 通联常用英语 抄收呼号用语 QRZ? (This is BG3AKS)please call me again谁在呼叫? 这里是BG3AKS,请再呼叫我一次。 Sorry, I didnt copy your Prefix/Suffix, please call me again 对不起,我没有抄清呼号前/后缀,请再呼叫一次。 JA1 something this is BG3AKS, please again slowly. JA1什么,这是BG3AKS,请再呼叫一次。 Sorry I didnt copy your call sign due to QR-Mike(November), please again slowly.对不起。因电台干扰,未抄上你的呼号,请慢慢重复。 What’s the last letter in your call sign? 你呼号的最后一个字母是什么? 报呼号用语 You miscopy my prefix (suffix) this is___ 你把我呼号的前(后)缀抄错了 You have my prefix (suffix)wrong; 你把我呼号的前(后)缀抄错了 You have a number wrong . it’s not x, but 3 .QSL?你把我数字抄错了 The last leter is S, like in Sierra. BG3 Alfa Kilo Sierra, Do you roger? 最末字母是S,BG3AKS,明白吗? It’s not _____, but bg3 (aks) do you roger ? 不是___而是___。抄收了么? 感谢用语 Thank you for coming back to my call. 谢谢你回答我的呼叫 Im very glad to meet you! 非常高兴遇见你 Thanks for your call.非常感谢你的呼叫。 You have a beautiful signal coming here 你的信号到这里非常好 信号报告用语 Your signal is five and nine,five and nine …. 你的信号是59,59。。。 Your signal is very weak, but I can read you one-hundred percent .because there is no interfere (QR-mike/Noveber) 你的信号非常弱。我可以100%抄收你,因为没有天电干扰。 Sorry ,I didn’t copy my signal report ,please repeat it.,请重复我的信号报告 The propogation is badly,so very strong niose on this band now传播不好,噪音很大 You are very weak ,QSB. (I think the band is gong out) 你的信号非常微弱,信号衰减了.我想这个波段传播关闭了 地址和卡片用语 Thank you for the nice report ,My QTH is TIANJIN, QSL information in QRZ(.dot)COM。QSL?(Tango India Alfa Noveber Juliet India Noveber) 感谢这么好的报告. 我的QTH在天津,QSL资料在QRZ网站上可以找到. QSL? I’d like to have your QSL, would you like send QSL card first ? 我希望得到你的卡片, 您是否愿意首先寄卡? Think you very much , when I receive your card,I will send out my QSL card immediately. 谢,我收卡后,马上回卡 No problem, I will send my QSL card direct! 没有问题,我将直接寄卡给您 设备天线功率 My transceiver is TS-fifty(tango sugar - fifty ) it’s about 25 watts output now. 我的电台ts-50,现在输出25瓦 I’m using a diple antenna , it’s only five meters high. 我使用diple 天线,5米高 结束用语 Thanks for the nice QSO。 Seventy-three ,Have a good d


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