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模块主题写作六 整体感知 本模块以“爱好”为话题,介绍了爱好在休闲娱乐以及个人成长方面的作用。它贴近学生的生活,并且与学生的日常学习息息相关。 话题分析 1.Hobbies can bring us pleasure,friendship and knowledge. 2.Some hobbies are relaxing and others are active. 3.Many students have hobbies,such as reading,painting, growing vegetables and looking after animals. 4.Sometimes I cant wait to show them off to my classmates. 常用表达 实例分析 下面我们就结合实例加以分析。 典型例题 假如你是Li Ping,请根据下面表格中提供的信息,给你的新朋友Jack写一封电子邮件,介绍你的业余爱好。 要求:必须包含表格所提供的全部细节信息;可在此基础上适当发挥。80词左右。 Hobbies Items Details Flying kites Beginning time When I was five years old Flying place In the parks Collecting kites Beginning time When I was five years old The amount Nearly 90 Storing place In boxes ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ 写作时要按照如下思路进行: 1.点明话题。本文围绕“My hobby”展开写作,故可用“My hobby is…”引起下文,点明自己的爱好(flying and collecting kites)。 2.介绍缘由。描述时可以使用“Ive been…since …”等句型,使文章结构清晰、连贯、通顺。 3.说明原因及带来的乐趣,可以使用“make me…”等句式。 4.号召同学们培养自己的爱好,并再次点题,和文章开头相呼应。 思路点拨 1.爱好能带给我们快乐、友谊和知识。(knowledge) ______________________________________________________________________________.__ 2.我从五岁开始收集风筝。(have been collecting…) ______________________________________________.__ 3.我比班里其他同学更擅长放风筝。(better…than) ___________________________________________________________________________.__ 4.放风筝使我快乐。(make me happy) _____________________________________ 遣词造句 Hobbies can bring us pleasure,friendship and knowledge Ive been collecting kites since I was five I can do better in flying kites than anyone else in my class Flying kites makes me happy Dear Jack, Hobbies can bring us pleasure, friendship and knowledge. My hobby is flying and collecting kites. Ive been collecting them since I was five, and I have nearly 90 kites now. I will try to collect more kites. I often fly kites in the parks. I think that I can do better in it than any other student in my class. Flying kites makes me happy. I am happier when they fly far away. I store my kites in boxes. I hope that everyone has his own h



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