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此论文是河南大学英语自考模板,我是09年暑假参加的论文培训,河大老师发给我的,有此论文模板就不用在参加培训了,可以为您节省很多money 河南省高等教育自学考试英语专业本科毕业生 毕 业 论 文 The Ways of Improving English Listening Ability 英语听力方法论 专 业 名 称: 英 语 论文作者名称: 准 考 证 号: 论 文 类 型: 应用语言学 论文完成时间: 2008-09-1 联 系 方 式: (手机) 【Abstract】Listening is the foundation of studying anguage and one of the most important parts of studying English, it is the important tool to absorb the language material. But in the process of English studying, many people often feel that it is difficult to foster and improve one’s listening ability. These are closely relative toistening teaching for English teachers and to help the listeners to improve their listening comprehension ability. 【Key Words】English listening; solutions. 【】听力是学习语言的基础英语学习最重要的组成部分之一,是吸收语言素材的重要手段。然而,在外语的学习过程中,人们又普遍感觉听力培养和提力与语音、语法、词汇、背景知识、笔记等几方面探讨,目的是提供一些办法给【】英语听力; 对策 Listening is the foundation of studying language and one of the most important parts of studying English. The goal of this paper is to provide some methods of English listening teaching for English teachers and to help the listeners to improve their listening comprehension ability. . Introduction-----------------------------------------------------------------------1 Chapter II The difficulties in English listening and the reasons in listening barriers------------------------------------------------------------------3 A. Listeners’ difficulties--------------------------------------------------------3 1. The speed-------------------------------------------------------------------3 2. The main ideas of the material-------------------------------------------3 3. Memory techniques--------------------------------------------------------3 4. Imagination ability---------------------------------------------------------3 B. Reasons 1. Reasons in language pronunciation barriers----------------------------4 2. Reasons in vocabulary barrier



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