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Work Instruction of NDT Test for Welding 焊接探伤测试作业指导书 Document Revision History 文件变更记录 Version 版本Revision Date 变更日期Revised Content 变更内容Reviser 修订者 A/01 11/1/2010 First release/首次发行 Wang Ruiqiu Edited by Verified by: 核准 Approved by: 批准 Date: Date: Date: 1. Purpose目的 o test nonconformities of welds such as cracks and holes etc. after welded and grinded, . 对焊接打磨后焊缝进行探伤检测(包括渗透探伤和磁粉探伤测试),确保焊缝无裂纹,孔洞等不良。 2. Applicable Scope适用范围 Responsibilities职责Quality inspector is responsible to do NDT test (including DPI and MPI tests) after welding is finished and grinded, and make records. 质检员负责对焊接打磨后的焊缝进行探伤测试(包括渗透探伤和磁粉探伤测试),并作好记录。 4. Equipment/Apparatus needed 所需设备: DPI test Cleaner, Penetrant, Developer 清洗剂,渗透剂,显象剂 MPI test Magnetic suspension liquid, Magnetic tester 黑油磁悬液, 磁轭探伤仪 5. Procedures工作程序If the welds have defects such as cracks, the penetrant will be displayed. Then repair the bad welds. 喷涂显像剂,并观察。如焊缝有裂纹等不良,渗透剂会显像出来。对不良焊缝要求修复。 5.1.5 Record it with pictures. 使用图片进行记录. Spray developer/喷涂显像剂 5.2 MPI test 磁粉探伤 5.2.1 Connect on side of cable to the magnetic tester and the other side to power supply. 将电源接头一段与磁粉探伤仪连接 5.2.2 spray magnetic suspension liquid onto area to be inspected. 向被检区域喷洒磁悬液。 5.2.3 deposit the prober arms on the area to be inspected, and keep in good touch, then press the switch button, keep for 2-3 seconds 将探头关节开面放置在被检工件上,保持良好接触,按下探头开关,保持2-3s。 5.2.4 Loosen the switch button, and remove the prober arms, then visually check, if the welds have defects such as cracks or holes, then the magnetic powder will congregate on the surface of cracks. Repair the bad welds 松开探头开关,移开探头,并观察。如焊缝有裂纹等不良,磁粉会聚集在裂纹表面。对不良焊缝要求修复。 5.2.5 Record it with pictures. 使用图片进行记录. 6. Completed Documents and Records相关记录 Dye Penetrant Inspection Report 钢架焊接渗透剂探伤测试.xls Magentic Particle Inspection Report 钢架焊接磁粉探伤测试.xls Work Instruction of NDT Test for Welding 焊接探伤测试作业指导书 Doc. No. 文件编号: Page页码: Page 2 of 5 Reversion Date发行日期


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