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三江平原农田源头排水沟渠截留排水中氮素动态张 燕1,2 ,阎百兴1① ,祝 惠1 ,王莉霞1 ( 1. 中国科学院东北地理与农业生态研究所湿地生态与环境重点实验室, 吉林 长春 130012; 2. 中国科学院研究生院,北京 100049)摘要: 通过小尺度野外原位试验,研究排水沟渠水体、底泥和植物中氮含量的变化规律。结果表明,随水体停留时间增加,沟渠对水体氮素的净化能力增强,认为停留 8 d 左右较适宜。沟渠对 NH + -N 的截留率大于 TN 和 NO - -43N。渠水停留 11 d 时,4 条试验沟渠〔氮浓度高、磷浓度低( NH PL ) ,氮浓度高、磷浓度高( NH PH ) ,氮浓度低、磷浓度+-低( NL PL ) ,氮浓度低、磷浓度高( NL PH ) 〕对 NH4 -N 的截留率均达 100% ,对 NO3 -N 的截留率分别为 84. 63% 、84. 35% 、75. 67% 和 76. 14% ,对 TN 的截留率分别为 88. 02% 、89. 89% 、90. 88% 和 88. 53% 。试验结束时沟渠表层 ( 0 ~ 15 cm) 底泥氮含量降低,植物氮累积量远大于进水 TN 总量,说明植物生长同时吸收了水体、土壤和底泥中的 氮,建议在秋季适时收割植物,以避免植物分解导致二次污染。关键词: 排水沟渠; 氮; 农业非点源污染; 三江平原中图分类号:文献标志码:文章编号:1673 - 4831( 2012) 02 - 0176 - 05X522ADynamics of Nitrogen in Farmland-Originating Drainage Water Retained in Ditches in the Sanjiang Plain. ZHANGYan1,2 ,YAN Bai-xing1 ,ZHU Hui1 ,WANG Li-xia1 ( 1. Key Laboratory of Wetland Ecology and Environment,Northeast In- stitute of Geography and Agroecology,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Changchun 130012,China; 2. Graduate University of the Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100049,China)Abstract: A small-scaled in-situ field experiment was carried out to study dynamics of nitrogen in farmland originating drainage water retained in drainage ditches and in sediments and plants in the ditches as well. Results show that the longer the water is retained in the ditch,the more the nitrogen in the water is sequestrated by the ditch,if the water is retained inthe drainage ditch for 8 d or so as recommended. The sequestration rate of NH + -N was higher than that of TN and NO - -43N. When the water was retained in the ditches for 11 d,NH + -N sequestration rate reached 100% in all the four ditches4with drainage water different in N and P concentrations,i. e. NH PL ( high N concentration and low P concentration) ,NH PH( high N concentration and high P concentration) ,NL PL ( low N concentration and low P concentration) and NL PH ( low Nconcentration and high P concentration ) ,whereas NO - -N sequestration rate was 84. 6


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