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Diana Chen Diana Chen 3D数码激光扫描 全球首家推出关节周围解剖型钢板 手 术 实 例 Confidence in your hands * Confidence in your hands Confidence in your hands Peri Screw System 类球型 自攻型 6.5mm/4.0mm 低平头型 自攻型 6.5mm/4.0mm 松质骨钉 类球型 非自攻型 4.5mm/3.5mm/2.7mm 2.0mm/1.5mm 常规骨钉 低平头型 自攻型 4.5mm/3.5mm 皮质骨钉 Peri 骨钉 类型 特殊的低平头螺钉设计: 降低了螺钉对软组织的刺激 尤其是软组织覆盖较薄弱处 Basic System: 4.5mm自攻皮质骨钉 6.5mm松质骨钉(16mm) 6.5mm松质骨钉(32mm) 6.5mm松质骨钉(全螺纹) Small System: 3.5mm 自攻皮质骨钉(2.7mm头) 用于关节周围 3.5mm 自攻皮质骨钉 4.0mm半螺纹松质骨钉 4.0mm全螺纹松质骨钉 Periarticular Plate System 骨板从厚到薄的解剖设计: 操作简便 无需折弯,能自动贴合骨骼解剖形态,节约手术时间,减少手术风险 骨板远端圆钝型设计: 减少了骨板对软组织的刺激 双向加压长圆形钉孔的设计 特殊的缝合孔设计 Confidence in your hands * Confidence in your hands Step 3 You may not have to go through this process; however, it may help build up Zimmer’s overall reputation and commitment to trauma. Show the doctor the picture of the computer model inside the first page of the brochure. Point out that we starting with the bone rather than the implant. We recognized that we needed to first understand where we wanted to put the implant. This was actually facilitated by having the developing surgeons draw on a sawbone where they would like a plate to go if they could have one that would actually fit. Using the computer data on the bones we were able to use an “electronic cookie cutter’ to acquire the exact shape we were looking for. This data was then used to make a prototype right off of the bone scans. Rather than start with a piece of metal and trying to bend it to fit; we started with a bone and made an implant that would fit. We tried different shaped until we found the shape that fit the most bones the best. The plates will not fit everyone perfectly; however, they are so much better than anything else available it is incredible. These are high tech plates that requirea high tech manufacutring process to maintain the contour. Sell the technology aspect.