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 内蒙古白乃庙地区白音都西群的碎屑锆石年龄 及 其 构 造 意 义 谷丛楠1 ,周志广1 ,张有宽2 ,柳长峰1 ,刘文灿1 ,於炀森1 ( 1. 中国地质大学 地球科学与资源学院,北京 100083; 2. 内蒙古地质调查研究院,内蒙古 呼和浩特 010020) 摘要: 白音都西群是内蒙古中部白乃庙岛弧带以北和温都尔庙杂岩以南发育的一套中级变质岩系,为确定白音都西群 的地层时代,笔者于稳定的白音都西群地层采集了两块新鲜的变质石英砂岩样品,共 进 行 了 100 粒 碎 屑 锆 石 LA-MC- ICP-MS 测年。两件样品的锆石特征具相似性,指示其原岩主要是由同期或略早期的岩浆岩风化后就近沉积的产物。所 有锆石的206 Pb /238 U 表面年龄介于 518 ~ 294 Ma 之间,与华北板块北缘的古生代弧岩浆岩锆石年龄非常吻合,表明该区 古生代弧岩浆岩是白音都西群的主要沉积源区。因此,白音都西群的原岩可能是一套弧前沉积建造,其形成时间应该 是伴随着古亚洲洋的俯冲消减和古生代弧岩浆作用的整个过程,其后在碰撞造山过程中发生了变形和变质作用。由于 白音都西群被晚二叠世未变形花岗岩( 254 Ma) 侵入,表明其原岩最终形成到发生变形变质作用应当介于 294 ~ 254 Ma 之间。故推测沿着索伦缝合带的碰撞缝合作用可能发生在早—中二叠世。 关键词: 碎屑锆石测年; 白音都西群; 索伦缝合带; 内蒙古 中图分类号: P534. 46; P597 文献标志码: A 文章编号: 1000 - 8527( 2012) 01 - 0001 - 09 Zircon Dating of the Baiyinduxi Group in Inner Mongolia and Its Tectonic Interpretation GU Cong-nan1 ,ZHOU Zhi-guang1 ,ZHANG You-kuan2 ,LIU Chang-feng1 ,LIU Wen-can1 ,YU Yang-sen1 ( 1. School of Earth Sciences and Resources,China University of Geosciences,Beijing 100083,China; 2. Geological Survey of Inner Mongolia,Hohhot,Inner Mongolia 010020,China) Abstract: A set of medium metamorphic clasolite exposing in the area,sandwiched by the Bainaimiao arc mag- matic and Wenduermiao complex rock zones in the middle Inner Mongolia,is known as the Baiyinduxi Group. Analysis of zircon ( detrital grains) by using LA-MC-ICP-MS,sampled from the quartzsand stone of the group indicates that the apparent age is dated by 206 Pb /238 U technique,ranging from 294 Ma to 518 Ma and coinciding with the zircon dating from the Paleozoic arc magmatite of the northern margin of the North China block. It is suggested that the Paleozoic arc magmatite might be a sediment-source of the Baiyinduxi Group. Protolith of the group is likely a set of forearc depositional sequence,forming throughout the process of both the subduction of the Paleo-Asian Ocean floor and the Paleozoic magmatism,and was undergone with deformation and metamor- ph


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