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CHAPTER 18 THE ASCENDANCY OF CONFUCIANISM AND REVIVAL OF TAOISM 第十八章 儒家的独尊和道家的复兴 THE Han dynasty was not only the chronological successor of the Chin, but in many ways was its continnator as well. It stabilized the unification which the Chin had first achieved. 汉朝不仅在年代上继承秦朝,而且在许多方面也是继承秦朝。它巩固了秦朝首次实现的统一。 The Unification of Thought Among the many policies adopted by Chin for this purpose, one of the most important had been that for the unification of thought. After it had con-quered all the rival states, Li Ssu, its Prime Minister, submitted a memorial to the Chin First Emperor (Chin Shih-huang-ti) which said: Of old, the world was scattered and in confusion....Men valued what they had themselves privately studied, thus casting into disrepute what their superiors had estab-lished. At present, Your Majesty has united the world....Yet there are those who with their private teachings mutually abet each other, and discredit the institutions of laws and instructions....If such conditions are not prohibited, the imperial power will decline above and partizanships will form below. {Historical Records, ch. 87.) 统一思想 为达到巩固统一的目的,秦采取了许多政策,其中最重要的是统一思想的政策。秦统一六国之后,丞相李斯上书始皇帝,说;“古者天下散乱,莫能相一。……人善其所私学。以非上所建立。今陛下并有天下,辨白黑而定一尊。而私学乃相与非法教之制。……如此不禁,则主势降乎上,党与成乎下。”(《史记·李斯列传》) Then he made a most drastic recommendation: All historical records, save those of Ch in, all writings of the hundred schools of thought, and all other literature, save that kept in custody of the official Erudites, and save works on medicine, pharmacy, divination, agriculture, and arboriculture, should be de-livered to the government and burned. As for any individuals who might want to study, they should lake the officials as their teachers. (Ibid., ch. 6.) 然后他提出极端严厉的建议:一切史记,除了秦记。一切“百家”思想的著作和其他文献,除了由博士官保管的,除了医药、卜筮、种树之书,都应当送交政府烧掉。至于任何个人若想求学,他们都应当“以吏为师”(《史记·秦始皇本纪》)。 The First Emperor approved this recommendation and ordered it carried out in 213 B.C. Actually, sweeping though it was, it was nothing more than the


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