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实习报告 实习题: 请写出计算两个以单链接表表示的多项式相乘的程序。 设计: 因为进行插入删除时,有头结点的单链表的实现会更方便,所以采用带头结点的单链表,一个单链表代表一个多项式,每个结点代表多项式的一个因子,每个结点都有两个数据和一个指针,数据分别代表每个因子的系数和指数。 (1)存储结构: 结点类: class Listnode { friend class List; friend ostream operator (ostream output,const Listnode node); private: Listnode* next;//point to the next node int coefficient; int exponent; public: Listnode(const int e1,const int e2,Listnode*p=NULL) :coefficient(e1),exponent(e2),next(p){}//constructor with three parameters Listnode() :next(NULL){}//constructor without parameters Listnode* Get(){return next;}//get the next ~Listnode(){}//析构函数 }; 单链表类: class List { friend ostream operator (ostream output,List list); friend istream operator (istream input,List list); private: Listnode* head;//point to the head of the list Listnode* current;//point to the current node public: List(){head = new Listnode();current = head;}//constructor ~List(){Makeempty();delete head;}//析构函数 int Isempty(){return head-next == NULL;}//if the list is empty return 1,else rerurn 0 void First(){current=head-next;}//make current point to the first node void operator ++() { if (current!=NULL) current=current-next; }//make current point to the next node void operator ++(int){operator++();} int Isfull(){}//the list is generally unable to be full void Makeempty();//clear the list int Find(const int x,const int y);//if (x,y) is in the list,return 1 void Insert(const int x,const int y);//insert a node to the list whose element is (x,y),then current point to it void Delete(const int x,const int y);//delete the node whose element is (x,y) const List operator = (const List list);//copy the right list to the left one List operator +(List list);//get the sum of two lists List operator *(List list);//get the multiply of the two lists }; 算法思想: 设多项式A,B,A有m项


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