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南京儿童剧文化产业的发展探析 公共事业管理专业学生 胡婧 指导教师 谭放 摘要:南京深厚的历史文化底蕴、门类齐全的人才资源、高度密集的高新技术企业、日益高涨的文化消费需求,为文化产业发展奠定了坚实的文化基础和产业基础。同时文化产业也对南京发展有着深远的意义,发展文化产业是实现转型的重要支点。随着教育水平和生活水平的提高,文化产业消费人群迅速增多,南京儿童剧文化产业作为一种市场需求量大的产业,在标新立异的转型时期,需要向儿童剧市场产业链的上游发展。本文通过对南京现代儿童剧发展状况的研究,深入分析南京儿童剧市场存在的问题,结合南京地区的经济、文化的特点和该地区的儿童剧市场的现状,提出南京儿童剧发展的可行性措施。 关键词:儿童剧;文化产业;产业链 The Nanjing Childrens Drama Culture Industry Development Searches Analyzes Student majoring in Public Administration Hu Jing Tutor Tan Fang Abstract:Nanjing profound historical and cultural background, a wide range of human resources, a high concentration of high-tech enterprises, the culture of growing consumer demand for the development of cultural industry has laid a solid foundation for cultural foundation and industry. At the same time, the cultural industry in Nanjing also has far-reaching significance for the development, the development of cultural industry is an important fulcrum to achieve transformation. As the educational level and living standards, consumption of cultural industries in the rapidly growing population, the childrens drama in the cultural industry in Nanjing as an industrial market demand, the period of transition in the novel, the childrens drama in the market to the upstream development of the industrial chain. Based on the childrens drama Nanjing development of modern research, the childrens drama in-depth analysis of the Nanjing market problems, combined with the Nanjing regions economic, cultural characteristics and the region the status of the childrens drama in the market, made Nanjing the feasibility of the childrens drama in the development of measures . Key words: Childrens play; Cultural industry ; Industrial chain 南京有着近2500年的建城史,文化底蕴深厚,现代南京是正在崛起的软件名城,拥有丰富的高新科技和教育资源,涌动着日新月异的创新活力。改革开放三十年,文化体制改革始终支撑着南京文化事业的发展,文化南京建设始终在改革中不断获取前进的力量。南京文化产。目前,全市建成各类文化产业园区个,其中,产业园占了大多数。这些园区在拓展城市资源利用空间、转变经济发展方式中发挥着重要作用。随着各类文化产业园区的竞相出现,民营资本开始源源不断涌入,动漫协会、文化创意协会等中介组织相继形成,相关扶持政策先后出台,《猪探长的秘密档案》中国台湾唯一入选第31世界戏剧节的剧目不同那些在电视卡通和



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