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药理学PPT课件(南开大学)第三十五章 抗微生物药物概论
Antimicrobial Agents——General Considerations Medical school of Nankai University Jingling zhang and Jing Li Antimicrobial Agents 目的 了解化学治疗的含义及抗菌药的发展简史。掌握有关抗菌药物的常用术语和各类抗菌药物的抗菌作用原理,细菌耐药性产生的机制。 Antimicrobial Agents 内容 化学治疗的涵义,药物、宿主和致病病原体三者的相互关系。抗菌药的创立及其发展简史。抗菌药的常用术语:抗菌谱、耐药性和化疗指数的概念及其意义。细菌的结构及其功能。 Antimicrobial Agents 常用抗菌药的作用原理:抑制细菌叶酸代谢:磺胺药及其增效剂。影响细菌细胞壁的合成:青霉素及头孢霉素。影响细菌蛋白质的合成:链霉素、红霉素、四环素类和氯霉素。影响细菌细胞浆膜的功能:多粘菌素、制霉菌素和二性霉素B。细菌耐药性产生的机制:合成破坏抗生素的酶,改变细胞膜的通透性,改变药物作用的靶结构,改变细菌的代谢途径。 Antimicrobial Agent Introduction Definitions and Characteristics Antimicrobial mechanisms Resistance to antimicrobial drugs HERE Introduction Chemotherapeutic agents are chemicals (either natural or synthetic) used to inhibit the growth of malignant or cancerous cells within the body to be toxic for the infectious organism but innocuous for the host. HERE Introduction Anti-infective agents are chemical substances that can kill or suppress the growth of microorganisms. Antibiotics are soluble compounds that are derived from certain microorganisms and that inhibit the growth of other microorganisms. The term antibiotics include synthetic antibacterial agents, such as the sulfonamides and quinolones, which are not products of microbes. HERE Introduction The major groups of antibacterial agents include: Sulfonamides Penicillins and Cephlosporines (betalactams) Aminoglycosides Tetracyclines and Chloramphrnicol Erythromycin, Clindamycin and Vancomycin, etc. Antimicrobial Agent Introduction Definitions and Characteristics Antimicrobial mechanisms Resistance to antimicrobial drugs HERE Definitions and Characteristics Selective toxicity Relative selective toxicity Bacteriostatics Bactericidals Chemotherapeutic index Antimicrobial activity Antibiotic spectrum MIC MBC PAE It implies that the drug is harmful to a parasite without being harmful to the host. An ideal antimicrobial drug exhibits selective toxicity. It means that a drug may damage a parasite in a concentration