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斜风下扁平箱形截面桥梁颤振性能风洞试验研究   朱乐东 ,常光照 7 文章编号 :1003 - 4722 (2006) 02 - 0007 - 04 斜风下扁平箱形截面桥梁颤振性能风洞试验研究 朱乐东 ,常光照 ( 同济大学土木工程防灾国家重点实验室 ,上海 200092) 摘 要 : 扁平箱形截面桥梁的颤振临界风速与风偏角的关系明显地受到风攻角的影响。在 0° 风攻角情况下 ,扁平箱形截面流线性好 ,其颤振性能与平板接近 ,颤振临界风速随风偏角的增加而 增加 ,用传统的平均风分解方法可以获得较好的结果 ;而对于非 0°风攻角的情况 ,扁平箱形截面的 流线性变差 ,随着风偏角的增加其颤振临界风速呈起伏变化 ,最低值一般在斜风的情况下出现 ,此 时 ,传统的平均风分解方法不再适用。 关键词 : 扁平箱形截面 ;斜风 ;风偏角 ;风攻角 ;颤振临界风速 ;风洞试验 中图分类号: TU317 文献标识码 : A Study of Flutter Performance of Flat Box Deck Bridge under Skew Wind via Wind Tunnel Test ZHU Ledong , CHAN G Gua ngzhao ( State Key Laboratory for Disaster Reduction in Civil Engineering , Tongji University , Shanghai 200092 , China) Abstract : The variation pattern between flutter critical wind speed of bridge wit h flat box deck and wind yaw angle is significantly affected by wind attack angle. In the case of zero attack angle , t he flat box deck is good in it s streamline shape , and t he flutter performance of the deck is similar to t hat of t he flat plate deck. The flutter critical wind speed rises wit h t he increase of t he wind yaw angle , and a good estimate can be achieved wit h conventional app roach of mean wind decomposition. However , in the case of nonzero attack angle , the flat box deck becomes bluff , t he variation of it s flutter critical wind speed is accordingly undulant as the wind yaw angle in creases , and t he lowest value will occur generally under skew wind. In such case , t he convention al approach of mean


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