新世纪英语unit 1Travelling around China.ppt

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新世纪英语unit 1Travelling around China

journey tour travel trip voyage His wish is to have a round-the-world _____. He will make a two-day ______ to Hangzhou next week. The ship set out on a long ______. We will make a ______ to Beijing by train. ______ expenses reduced in summer. How to travel? overcrowded over-=too much overpopulation overcooked cabbage working overtime overcharge overdevelop overdone overestimate overflow depend on/rely on/count on The less you depend on your parents, the stronger ability you have. Whether we’ll have a party in the open air depends on the weather Man depends on the sun to live. depend on sth. for sth. Some animals depend on insects for food. It all depends./ That (all) depends. be dependent on; be independent of exist The technology for performing these operations already exists. existence n. come into existence/being Do you believe in the existence of God? This law came into existence in 1918. pass through pass away= to die pass down= to give or leave to people who are younger or live later This skill is passed down from father to son. historical; historic historic= important in history historical= connected with history a battle a meeting between two great leaders research a play/novel …those who… Those who don’t obey the traffic regulations will be punished eventually. This is the best book recommended to those who want to start learning a foreign language. time-saving time-saving advantage / labor-saving machine This advantage can save time. This machine can save labor. well-dressed lady / well-written paper The lady is well dressed. This paper is well written. pay for = to receive punishment or suffering for These people must be made to pay for their crimes. He paid dearly for his unfaithfulness to her. pay back Have I paid you back the $10 I borrowed? available = able to be had, obtained, used, seen, etc. This top secret is only available to the director. sth. be available t


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