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New Era Interactive English level 3 Chapter One A Campus of Reading Teaching objectives 1.?Understand the main ideas of reading 1 and reading 2; 2.?Appreciate the various techniques employed by the writer, techniques for writing and translation; 3.?Master the key language points and grammatical structures in the texts; 4.??Master some basic knowledge about reading and reading skills. 5. Master some writing and translation skills. Reading 1 Reading for Pleasure Versus Reading for Learning Before reading I.Background information 1.???? Many individuals have devoted their knowledge, time, and talents to the study of how and where memory processes occur in the brain. These famous persons include Ivan Pavlov (伊万· 巴甫洛夫), Karl Lashley (卡尔· 莱士利) , Donald Hebb (唐纳德·赫布) , and William James (威廉·詹姆斯). ?2. Studies by William James proved the existence of at least two types of memory: primary memory (初级记忆 ), (short-term memory) and secondary memory (次级记忆 )(long-term memory or permanent memories). 3. Forgetting Curve 4. Reading skills II. Five types of reading Scanning: Scanning is a reading strategy in which you actively look through material to locate specific information. Skimming :Skimming is a reading strategy that is useful to get a general idea of what a selection is about. Light reading: Reading for leisure tends to be light‘. Read at a pace which feels comfortable. Word by word reading Reading to study type of reading While reading I. Outline of the text Part 1 There are techniques to improve your reading abilities so that you can better handle subjects at the level of high education. Part 2 There are two types of reading (reading for pleasure versus for learning). Part 3 The college students should do the repeated reading to feed their long-term memory. Part 4 Students should treat their textbooks carefully. II. Language study 1. Reading for Pleasure Versus Reading for Learning versus: (Latin) (in law and sport; often shortened to v. or vs. in print) agai



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