新目标英语八年级下 Unit 8 SectionA 新授课课件.ppt

新目标英语八年级下 Unit 8 SectionA 新授课课件.ppt

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新目标英语八年级下 Unit 8 SectionA 新授课课件

Tips: When you give advice, you can use the following expressions to be polite Why don’t you do……? Why not do……? You should/could do…… Could you please do……? You’d better do…… Would you mind doing……? What about/How about + n./doing……? Listen in each conversation about gift,who is the person shopping for? Put a check in the correct column * Unit 8 Why don’t you get her a scarf? 倪欣 2006-04-25 The first period What’s the best gift you have ever received? Groupwork: interesting Get good grades Last week mom a CD How Why When Who What Gift List camera scarf shoes birthday cake dictionary flowers photo album wallet boring/cheap/expensive/too personal/not creative enough/not special enough/interesting/beautiful useful… My problem My friend’s birthday is coming! What should I get for her birthday? How/What about….? Why don’t you get her …? A: Mary’s birthday is coming, what should I get my friend for her birthday? B: How about a scarf? A: No, that’s too boring. B: Why don’t you get her a dictionary? A: Good idea! She’ll like it. Read the conversation and make yours. Please work in pairs. If your friend’s birthday is coming , what should you get her/ him for her/ his birthday? Father’s Day is coming, What should you get for your father? What will you do on Father’s Day? Make a survey What will you do on Father’s Day? a kiss get good grades do housework do some washing do some cooking sing a song Make a survey in class and fill in the chart. He will do some washing. Tom What will you do on Father’s Day Name Results for the survey: In our group, Tom will make a card for his father, he will do some washing… ________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ As a student, the best gift you give your parents is studying hard every day! friend Sister Teacher


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