04 Musculoskeletal Biomechanics英文电子书.pdf

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Chapter 4 Musculoskeletal Biomechanics Vijay K. Goel, PhD Ashutosh Khandha, MS Sasidhar Vadapalli, MS Introduction gram. The resultant force (or the force that can replace Biomechanics involves the use of the tools of mechanics the two vectors and still have the same effect on the (the branch of physics that analyzes the actions of forces) body as the two original vectors) is the diagonal of the in the study of anatomic and functional aspects of living parallelogram (R). organisms. The musculoskeletal interactions are a good An example of vector resolution to predict contact example of a mechanical system. The primary functions force at the knee joint is shown in Figure 1. If the direc- of the musculoskeletal system are to transmit forces from tion and magnitude of the muscle and tendon forces are one part of the body to another and to protect certain or- as shown in the figure, the resultant joint contact force gans (such as the brain) from mechanical forces that could can be found by using the parallelogram law. The result- result in damage. Therefore, the principal biologic role of ant joint contact force is at a 45° angle to the line of ac- skeletal tissues is to bear loads with limited deformation. tion of the tendon force and its magnitude is given by To appreciate the mechanical functions that these tissues the vector addition (the square root of the squares of must perform, it is necessary to understand the forces that the two forces), which is 71 lb. whole bones normally carry. In most cases, these forces re- Tensors, defined mathematically, are simply arrays of sult from loads being passed from the part of the body in numbers, or functions, which transform according to cer- contact with a more or less rigid environmental surface tain rules, u



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