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初一英语知识竞赛试题 语音 找出划线部分读音与其他三个不同的选项。 ( ) 1. A. but ( ) 2. A. often ( ) 3. A. lake ( ) 4. A. lift ( ) 5. A. weak B. bus B. open B. last B. bike B. tea C. use C. box C. cake C. child C. heavy D. cup D. dog D. name D. five D. please 二、选择填空 ( )1. Don’t let _______ in. There’s no time for me to see _______. A. anybody; anybody B. somebody; everybody C. everybody; anybody D. anybody; somebody ( )2. ______ in the river is good ____ your health, but sometimes it’s very dangerous. A. Swim; at B. To swim; for C. Have a swim; in D. Swims; of ( )3. In _______ of China, _________ children begin to study to English when they are about ten years old . A. many; much B. much; many C. few; a little D. little; a lot ( )4. 桵ay _I go there by bike? ?No, you _______. It’s going to rain soon. A. don’t B. aren’t C. mustn’t D. needn’t ( )5. They are all behind me. I’m at the _______ of the team. A. end B. head C. back D. middle ( )6. _______ a big shop! _______ nice the watches in it are! A. What; Wha B. How; How C. How; What D. What; How ( )7. Which is the number sixty-nine thousand, six hundred and ninety-six? A. 96969 B. 96696 C. 69969 D. 69696 ( )8. 梍______ boy is your classmate, Ed? ?The boy in the hat. A. Whose B. Where C. Which D. How ( )9. Mike doesn’t like eggs _______ meat, _______ Max does. A. but; and B. for; or C. or; but D. and; so ( )10. Children in England usually get presents ______ Christmas and _______ their birthdays. A. at; on B. until; in C. of; by D. for; to ( )11. 桬xcuse me. How can we get to the Science museum? 梍_____ a No. 2 bus and get _______ at the second stop. A. Drive; up B. Take; off C. Have; to D. Ride; on ( )12. The clouds over the city are different from ____ in the country; the weather in the city is alsor different from ______ in the country. A. this; those B. this; these C. these; that D. those; that ( )13. Elsa has to pack her com



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