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初三英语总复习 一、名词: 1、名词的概念:名词是指表示人、事物、地点或抽象概念的名称的词。 2、名词的分类:专有名词:China, Mike, English, the Great Wall… 普通名词:可数名词(有单、复数之分, 在可数名词单数之前要用a/an) table, life, tomato… 不可数名词(无复数形式)food, duty, news, knowledge… 3、可数名词复数的构成: ⑴一般情况是在名词后加-s ⑵以s, x, sh, ch结尾的加-es ⑶以辅音字母+ y结尾的,要变y为i再加-es,如:city -- family – 以元音字母(Aa ,Ee, Ii, Oo, Uu )+ y结尾的,加-s, 如:boy-- ⑷以f /fe 结尾的变f/fe为v再加-es,如:half-- self-- shelf-- leaf-- knife-- wife-- life-- ⑸以o结尾的,只有tomato和potato是加-es,其余的都加-s,如:photo-- radio-- kilo-- zero-- zoo-- ⑹特殊情况:man-- woman-- policeman-- Englishman-- Frenchman-- 但:German-- child-- foot-- tooth-- ⑺单、复同形:Chinese-- Japanese-- sheep-- ⑻形式上是单数,实际上表复数概念:people,police 如:The people / police are working hard. ⑼有两种形式的:fish作“鱼”时,可数,其复数是 fish或fishes 作“鱼肉”时,不可数。 ⑽复合名词的复数形式:man player--men players , woman doctor--women doctors , apple tree--apple trees 4、不可数名词:无复数形式,不能与a /an或数词连用,必须用a cup of… , a piece of …, a pair of… , some , much , so much , too much , little , a little , a lot of , lots of…等表数量。如:much work, a little money, two bags of rice… 注:一条裤子 a pair of trousers is … The trousers are … 一双袜子/鞋子 a pair of socks / shoes is … My new shoes are … 一副眼镜 a pair of glasses is … 数杯橘子汁 glasses of oranges 数张纸 pieces of paper 如果这些短语中需要用形容词,形容词应该放在冠词后。 a full bottle of milk ten big pieces of paper 如果…of 短语后的名词为可数名词时,必须用复数。 a bag of books a basket of apples a box of pens 5、名词的所有格: ⑴单数名词的所有格:①加 ’s the student’s book ②以s结尾的单词, 加 ’ James’ book ⑵复数名词的所有格:①以s结尾的, 加 ’ the students’ books a few years’ time twenty minutes’ walk ②不以结尾的,加 ’s children’s dolls men’s shoes ⑶以and连接的:①共同拥有,共同一个 ’s Lily and Lucy’s father is ②分别拥有,每个名词后加 ’s Li Lei’s and Jim’s fathers ⑷无生命名词的所有格:①表时间、距离、重量、世界、国家、城镇等的加’s 或 s’ an hour’


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