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可编程控制器应用于 电梯控制的设计 学生姓名:郑茂 专业名称:电气工程及其自动化 指导教师:汪厚新 讲师 摘要 电梯不仅仅是高层建筑罩的必备设施,在多层建筑里也是不可缺少的垂直运输工具。电梯的控制系统已由初期的继电控制向微机控制发展。可编程控制器由于具有可靠性高、功能强大等特点已经成为电梯微机控制系统的核心。 本文在阐述电梯的结构和可编程控制器的结构和工作原理的基础上,针对4层电梯,设计了电梯的控制系统。包括电梯的指层控制模块、轿内指令和厅外召唤的登记与消号模块、电梯的选层和定向模块、电梯的歼关门运行模块、电梯运行控制模块等,实现了电梯的指层控制、轿内与各层厅站呼梯指令的记录、电梯运行方向和停靠的层站的控制,自动运行和自动开关门等功能。 这种电梯控制系统应用于实际运行的电梯中,运行结果表明:电梯控制系统安全性和可靠性高,月常保养维护和故障检修方便,运行成本低。电梯连续运行12000次,故障率为0,平层精度5mm,平衡系数48%~50%,起动、制动及运行平稳、舒适,安全保护和可靠性均达到GB7588.2003的规定,能够满足电梯的控制要求。 关键词电梯 控制系统 可编程控制器 Abstract Elevator is not only the necessary facility in the high-rise building. is also the essential vertical transport means in the multi—layered construction. The control system of elevator is developed from the initial relay control system to the microcomputer consol system. The programmable logic controller has already become the core of the elevator microcomputer control system because of its high reliability and formidable function and so on the characteristics. This article slalomed the elevator structure, the structure and the working principle of the programmable logic controller. Aim at the elevator of five floors and five stations, the writer design this elevator control system by the use of Mitsubishi FX2N·80MR programmable illogic controller. 111e writer design the elevator control modules. Such the module of shown layer. the module of register and cancel the instructions from the cabin. The module of register and cancel the instructions from the saffron hall. the module of choose station and direction. the module of door movement, the module of elevator operation, and so on. These modules achieve the functions: fingering out the location of the cabin, registering the instructions from the cabin and the station hall. choosing the direction and the station of elevator follow these instructions, operating elevator and door automatically, and other functions. This elevator control system applies in the actual operating elevator. the operating result indicated: its s


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