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目 录 摘要 I Abstract II 1.绪论 1 1.1研究太阳能热水器的目的 1 1.2相关概念介绍 1 2.太阳能热水器市场研究的概况 3 2.1太阳能热水器的在节能方面的意义 3 2.2我国太阳能热水器市场发展的概况 4 2.3消费者对太阳能热水器的认知 5 3.太阳能热水器市场现状调查 6 3.1太阳能热水器在我国城市、城镇和农村的普及程度 6 3.2是否选择太阳能热水器的原因分析 7 3.3有关太阳能热水器的政策研究 8 4.太阳能热水器市场现存问题 9 4.1影响太阳能普及状况的销售战略问题 9 4.2太阳能热水器发展的技术壁垒 10 5.现存问题的原因研究 11 5.1关于价格定位过高问题的原因分析 11 5.2关于品牌劣势的原因分析 11 6.未来发展的建议 12 6.1加强品牌建设 12 6.2加强与建筑的契合度 13 6.3从“单一功能”转向“多元功能” 13 结论 14 致谢 15 参考文献 16 摘要 在全球能源形势紧张,世界各国都在寻求新的可再生的能源时,太阳能以其清洁、源源不断、安全等显著优势,成为关注重点。目前我国已经成为世界上最大的太阳能热水器生产和销售国,其生产能力和应用规模都处于世界首位。本文对西北地区的太阳能热水器普及情况做了调查分析。发现西北地区的普及率还有待提升。我国太阳能热水器目前还存在价格定位、品牌影响力劣势、与房屋契合度不高和售后服务差等问题。为了促进太阳能热水器在中国市场的发展,厂商应加强品牌建设,找出各自的品牌特质,树立差异化品牌形象,以培养顾客忠诚度。加强售后服务,以维护已有的顾客忠诚。同时我国太阳能热水器还有很多技术壁垒有待攻破。目前太阳能热水器还仅限家里日常用热水。未来太阳能还应朝家用供暖、制冷和供电方向发展,可以在化工、制药、染织、建材养护、海水淡化、生态养殖业等方面普遍应用。 关键词 太阳能热水器 普及率 品牌建设 Abstract While the situation of the global energy becomes tense and countries in the world are seeking new renewable energy ,solar with its clean, continuously, safety and other significant superiority, has become a focus. At present, China has become the worlds largest country in producting and saling solar water heater, the scale of its production capabilities and applications rank the first in the world. In this paper, I did a survey about popularity of solar water heaters in the Northwest ,which found that the popularity of solar water heaters in Northwest Territories have yet to be improved.There’re still many questions, such as promblem of price positioning,disadvantage of brand influence, poor fit with the house, poor service and so on. In order to promote development of solar water heaters’ market in the Chinese, companies should strengthen brand building, identify characteristics of their brand and establish brand differentiation, which can cultivate customer loyalty. In addition , to maintain existing customer loyalty, companies should also strengthen after-saling service . Meanwhile, there are many technica


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