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People on the road, and save themselves constantly You can get help on this But can also get help on this We go together It keeps us from life trivial, finding peace and happiness in the nature Hope our family can be like this in the future Now, lets start our easy and free mountain bike tour In 1886,a British engineer design a new style of bike, was called the father of the bicycle. Later,an American college student transformed the bike in order to seek to stimulate and the mountain bike have been appear from now on. Mountain Biking (MTB) Bicycle is one of the noblest(高贵的) inventions. Mountain biking is similar to life. To lead a low carben life, lets give up travel by car, ride on your bicycle, let your feet take you to travel. Before you start,you need Before your start,you need to make well preparations. No time to think, just reaction ,focus. All your worry will be washed away in a rush. And you will enjoy the feeling of roaming in the mountains. You will enjoy yourself deep in the forest ,riding off the routes, dropping into gullies(沟壑), caught in the rain. Sometimes you just like a horse on the grassland. Sometimes you fly like a tercel(雄鹰)in the sky. Maybe one day, far gone in the mountains, your bike breaks in two and you hurt yourself. You may ask yourself:is it over? Will it last forever ? There are forces that aim to take it away. ······we build things··· we love them······ You have passed through different experiences, stories, adventure. Stopped , but not disappear. Thank you ! 设计复杂,本质却简单。自行车只不过是一圈一圈地循环往复。是人类的创造使其高贵。 No matter how well we build things ,no matter how hard we love them. 设计复杂,本质却简单。自行车只不过是一圈一圈地循环往复。是人类的创造使其高贵。 No matter how well we build things ,no matter how hard we love them.


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