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论文题目:汽车保险行业的发展现状及展望 摘 要 近年来中国汽车产业发展迅速,汽车消费的增长必将带动汽车保险业迅速发展,特别是按照入世协议我国将逐步开放保险市场,中国汽车保险业将面临严峻的挑战,如何应对这一挑战,成为我国汽车保险业不容忽视的问题。随着我国私人购车比例不断增加,汽车保险这一概念逐渐进入百姓视野。如何面对车险市场的风云变幻和外资保险公司迅速涌入的挑战,是当前各保险公司必须清醒认识的首要问题。在世界各国,汽车保险都是财产保险的主要险种,受到世界各国政府的重视。美国建立了较为完善和发达的汽车保险体系,为各国所效仿。在我国,汽车保险是财产保险中份额最重的一项,随着汽车工业的迅猛发展,我国的汽车保险业也将迎来一个黄金期。本文通过分析世界汽车保险业的发展历程与现状的分析,找出存在的问题,并为中国汽车保险业提供借鉴。 关键词:汽车产业,汽车保险,发展现状,对策 Abstract In recent years the Chinese automobile industry develops rapidly, the growth of auto consumption will drive the rapid development of automobile insurance industry, especially in accordance with Chinas WTO accession agreement will open the insurance market gradually, the Chinese automobile insurance business will face the stern challenge, how to deal with this challenge, become our country automobile insurance industry should not be neglected. Along with our country private car buying an increasing proportion of automobile insurance, the concept gradually into peoples vision. How to face the insurance market amidst the winds of change and foreign insurance companies the rapid influx of challenge, is currently the insurance company must clearly understand the primary problem. In the world, auto insurance is the primary property insurance insurance, attention from government all over the world. The United States has established a relatively perfect and developed auto insurance system, for all to follow. In our country, car insurance property insurance is the most important part, along with the rapid development of automobile industry, Chinas auto insurance industry will enter a golden period. In this paper, through the analysis of the auto insurance industry development course and the present situation analysis, find out the existing problems, and provides the reference for Chinese insurance industry. Key word: automobile industry, car insurance, development status, countermeasure 目 录 1引言 1 2汽车保险概论 1 2.1汽车保险的产生 1 2.2汽车保险的分类 1 2.2.1车辆损失险 2 2.2.2第三者责任险 2 2.2.3汽车附加险 2 3国内外汽车保险的发展现状


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