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毕业论文 汽车被动安全技术分析 系部名称: 汽车工程系 专业班级:汽车技术服务与营销1101班 学生姓名: 钟 迎 指导教师: 徐 磊 吉林科技职业技术学院 二○一三年十一月 摘 要 汽车给人类创造效益的同时也带来了灾难性的损失,我国每年死于交通事故的人数与美国相当,但汽车的保有量仅是美国的1/27,可见我国汽车的行车安全性与西方国家水平相差甚远。汽车安全性涉及的范围很广,本文简述我国汽车被动安全技术现状、发展趋势及被动安全标准。着重介绍了汽车被动安全系统组成、原理。现代汽车车速愈来愈高,汽车行驶安全性日益受到人们的重视,随着我国道路条件的改善,汽车的行驶速度的提高,强制推行汽车座椅安全带,推广安全气囊,改进汽车车身结构和转向盘和转向柱、汽车座椅系统等举措对减少事故后人民生命财产损失具有十分重要的意义。希望过论述,对国内汽车安全性起到一定帮助作用。 关键词:汽车被动安全安全带和安全气囊转向盘和转向柱汽车座椅系统安全车身结构 Abstract Creating effective vehicle for humanity but also catastrophic losses, the number of traffic accidents in China die each year with the U.S. equivalent, but car ownership in the United States, only 1 / 27, shows that our safe driving and the Western far from the national level. Auto safety involves a wide range, This paper describes our automotive passive safety technology status, development trends and passive safety standards. Focuses on the automotive passive safety system components, principle. Hyundai Motor speed higher and higher, increasing the safety car driving by peoples attention, as Chinas road conditions improved, the improvement of vehicle speed, seat belts mandatory vehicle to promote the safety air bags,improved vehicle body structure and steering wheel and steering column automobile saddle systemand other measures to reduce loss of life and property after the accident is of great significance. This paper reviewed research in the automotive safety technology status, security, technology trends; brief passive safety standards at home and abroad; automotive passive safety measures, focusing on the automotive passive safety system components, principle.Hope that through discussion, on the domestic auto safety to help play a role. Key words:Automotive passive safety,Seat belts and airbags,Steering wheel and steering column,Automobile saddle system ,Safety body structure 目 录 摘 要 I Abstract II 第1章 绪 论 3 1.1 概述 3 1.1.1 概述汽车被动安全性 4 1.1.2 我国汽车安全技术现状 4 1.1. 3被动安全技术发展


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