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深圳八年级下册英语Unit1~8总复习(词汇和语法) Unit1 Helping those in need 一、单项选择 1.Linder offers her pocket money to the Hope Project. A.makes B.gets C,gives D.puts 2.I will continue playing the game after finishing the homework. A.go on B.go in C.go out D.go up 3.Her face is full of joy . Is there any good news? A.loneliness B.happiness C.sadness D.goodness 4.I have a lovely doll called Mary. A.asked B.named C.said D.made 5.There are lots of fish in the lake. A.a little B.a few C.much D.many 6.---Why do you say this is your schoolbag? ----It is easy. Can’t you see _____”s” on the corner of _____schoolbag? A.a; a B.a; the C.an; a D.an; the 7.----We couldn’t finish our work so early_____your help. Thanks a lot. ---That’s all right. A.without B.with C.for D.by 8.----Lily is a good daughter. ----yeah. She _____most of her spare time with her parents. A.spends B.costs C.takes D.affords 9.----I have great_____in finishing the work by myself. Could you help me? ----No problem. A.fun B.success C.advice D.difficlty 10.----Linder decided_____for a walk in the forest. ----Oh, it’s dangerous to go alone. A.go B.to go C.going D.goes 11.----The earth is home to_____animals. ----Right. A.million B.millions C.million of D.millions of 12.----Mary is _____at home these days. ----But she doesn’t feel _____for she has many things to do. A.alone; lonely B.lonely; alone C.alone’ alone D.lonely; lonely 13.----Mr Wang asks the students_____in the river. ----Yes, because it is too dangerous. A.swim B.to swim C.not to swim D.to not swim 14.----Would you like some tea? ---Yes , and I prefer tea _____some sugar. A.to B.for C.with D.from 15.----What are you doing? -----We are _____money for charity. A.putting B.giving C.raising D.rising 16.----Tim used to _____sports until he hurt his legs in an accident. ----Poor Tim. A.loved B.loving C.love D.loves 17.----I’m new here. ----Don’t worry. I’ll do what I can


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