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Committee of 100 Leadership Scholarship Application Form 百人会英才奖申请表 只供研究生參加 For Graduate Students Only 缺项的申请表无效,申请人将可能被取消申请资格。All sections of this application must be completed, otherwise applicant may be disqualified. 申请截止日期为2008年12月8日。 2008 December 8th. 1 申请人基本情况/Personal Information 申请人姓名 中文: Chinese: (姓) (Surname) (名) (First Names) 英文: English: (姓) (Surname) (名) (First Names) 性別: Sex: 年龄: Age: 出生日期: Date of Birth: 年/月/ 日 Year/Month/Day 当前联系地址: Present Address: 联络电话: Telephone: 电子邮件: Email: 永久通信地址: Permanent Address: (Optional) 2 学业信息/ Academic Information 就读学校: School: 中文: Chinese: 英文: English: 毕业年份: Year of Graduation: 就读学系: Department: 中文: Chinese: 英文: English: 主修科目: Major: 中文: Chinese: 英文: English: 3 申请英才奖的相关材料 / Supporting Information 大学成绩 Academic Performance of Undergraduate Study 成绩单 (请另附) School report (Please attached it to the application) 最后一学年课程平均成绩 Averaged Score for Final Year 最后一学年学习成绩班级排名 Ranking in the Class for Final Year 获奖励情况 (不超过5个)/ List honors and awards received (No more than five) 志愿者、社会活动经历 / List volunteer/community service work 请从如下三个问题中选择两个问题,写一篇英文文章 (对每个问题的论述不超过500字,并附中文翻译) Please choose two of three topics below and write a short essay* (In English and Chinese, and no more than 500 English words each question): 1. Please discuss your leadership experiences and abilities and how will this help you in the future. 2. Why have you chosen the major you are now studying and how do you plan to use this education in the future? 3. What do you plan to do in the next 5 years? 4大学推荐意见/ Recommendation from Nominator(School/Educator) 请对申请人领导能力和志愿者经历、社会活动表现给出您的推荐理由Please describe in 500 words or less why the student was nominated for this award, emphasizing in the area of leadership volunteer/community service work. (需用英文不多于500字/In English) 大学推荐人签字/Signature 职务/Position 联系方式-电话/Contact Tel 手机/Mobile 电邮/Email 日期/Date: 5推荐人意见/ Recommendation from Recommender (但不


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