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16 / MEN, WOMEN, MESSAGES, AND MEDIA than for their own destruction, and for further humanization and socialization rather than for alienation or regression. At this moment in history, therefore, it seems reasonable to take stock of what we know about human com mu nic a don. For Further Consideration Families and tribes lived together long before they had language, and yet they must have communicated all that time. What must communication have been like before language? ^Communication, shapes society; and society shapes communication/7 V How does this process work? What would you expect to be the advantages of a language (like English) with an alphabet as compared to the advantages of a language (like Chinese) that has no alphabet but uses a different character for each word? The first great step in the development of human communication was ^ language. The second was writing. Have any developments since then been comparable in importance to these two? Which ones, and why? References C, Cooley. Social Organization, New York: Scribner, 1909, p. 61. E. Sapir, Comnvunication. In Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences, 1st ed. New York: Macmillan, 1935, vol. IV, p, 7S. K. Davis. Human Society, New York: Macmillan, 1949. K. Boulding: The Image; Knowledge in Life and Society. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 1956, esp. pp. 15 ff. M. McLuhan. Understanding Media: The Extensions of Man. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1966. For an interesting, brief treatment of this material, see M. Fabre, The HiBtory of CommunicationSj The New Illustrated Library of Science and Inventions. New York: HawtKorne Books, 1963, vol. 9, pp. 12 ff. WHAT COMMUNICATION DOES We are communicating animals; communication pervades everything we do. It is the stuff of which human relations are made. It is a current that has flowed through all human History, constantly extending our senses and our channels of information. Now that we have achieved broad-band communication from the moon, we are looking aroun


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