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汽轮发电机组安装研究 Installation of turbine generator unit 马小震,段永坤 MA Xiaozhen, DUAN Yongkun (山西电建四公司,山西 太原 030001) (Shanxi No.4 Electric Power Construction Company,Taiyuan, Shanxi 030001,China) 作者简介: Author brief introduction: 马小震(1976-),男,陕西绥德人,1996年毕业于西安航空工程学校工业电气自动化专业,山西省电力公司电力建设四公司汽机安装分公司经理,工程师,技师。主要从事火电厂汽轮机及附属机械设备安装、检修施工及技术管理。 Ma Xiaozhen ( 1976 -), male, From Shanxi Suide, graduated from Xian aeronautical engineering school of industrial electrical automation specialty in 1996, is branch manager, engineer, technician in turbine installation of No.4 Shanxi electric power company building ,Mainly engaged in thermal power plant steam turbine and auxiliary machinery and equipment installation, maintenance and technical management of construction. 段永坤(1982-),男,河北邯郸人,2007年毕业于华北电力大学热能与动力工程毕业,山西省电力公司电力建设四公司汽机安装分公司汽轮机本体技术员,助理工程师。主要从事火电厂汽轮机安装技术管理。 Duan Yongkun ( 1982 -), male, From Hebei Handan, graduated from the University of North China Electric Power in thermal energy and power engineering in 2007, is branch turbine technician , assistant engineer in turbine installation of No.4 Shanxi province electric power company electric power construction company, Mainly engaged in thermal power plant turbine installation technology management. 摘要:汽轮发电机安装质量是确保机组正常运行的重要前提。本文阐述了汽轮发电机的结构特点,安装工序,就汽轮发电机的安装进行了全面系统的总结,并提出了安装中需要注意的事项,为施工者提供参考。Abstract: steam turbine generator installation quality is to ensure the normal operation of the unit important premise. The article describes the structure characteristics of turbine generator, the installation process, are summarized systematically on turbine generator, and puts forward the matters need attention in installation, provides reference for the constructer. 关键词:汽轮机;发电机;安装;特点;工序 TK C Key words: steam turbine; generator; installation; characteristic; process 引言 汽轮机、发电机担负着火力发电厂中蒸汽的热能到机械能和机械能到电能的转换工作,如何高质量地完成好汽轮发电机组的安装,是火电厂设备能否高效运转的先决条件。在此为大家介绍一些汽轮机、发电机安装注意事项,供施工者进行参考。 1.汽轮发电机本体结构简介 汽轮机本体通常由转动和静止两大部分构成。转动部分包括动叶栅、叶轮、主轴、联轴器及紧固件,静止部分包括汽缸、喷嘴室、隔板


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