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阅读鸡精 标注带有“*”的为有考古的 目录: 阅读机经 1.**哺乳动物觅食 3 2.**企业竞争策略 4 3.**美国房地产期货 7 4.**美国黑人兄弟(上个月寂静原文) 11 5.60年代妇女地位 12 6.**红书绿书 13 7. **powdered Products 18 8.**顾客投诉的影响 19 9.影响wave的材料 23 10.**极地部落 23 11.**植物抵御害虫 26 12.英国文学 33 13.**保障农民利益的方法 34 14.**爱国主义和女权主义 39 15.**大坝的生态系统 41 16.光的折射原理 44 17.**地球降温 45 18.**black American和civil rights 48 19.**地幔 50 20.产品的保固 52 21. **business investment 与household saving 54 22.**年轮推算树木年龄 55 23.男女表达方式不同 58 24.税收的影响 58 25.动物的进化和衍变 59 26.**globel technology 59 27.并入12 60 28.并入34 60 29. **穷/富国投资 60 30.现代科学的起源 61 31. piecemeal 62 32. **学者高估了quakers对妇女反对男权婚姻的影响 62 33.**南非钻石 64 34.英国商标法 65 35.**woman从事nursing 66 36.古代社会耕作业和采集业 67 37. ?并入10 68 38.投资分散化 68 39.中耳的结构 68 40.**欧洲社会的元素 69 41.投资政策 70 42.商品和社会服务 70 43. 佛教manuscript 70 44.观众对广告的反应 72 45.草类植物 72 45.服务价值评价 73 46.物种灭绝 73 47.测量风速 74 48. RD的重要性 74 49.医疗体系 83 50.国内竞争和国外竞争 84 51.古代技术和艺术 84 52.股票价格与地域关系 89 53.股票价格与地域关系 90 54.广告宣传页的香味 90 55.医疗保障 91 56.文化传承 91 57.人类进化 91 58.国际竞争 91 1.**哺乳动物觅食 V1:GWD原题来着,那啥两种动物在哺乳期间用多少力气多少时间找食物来着,不知道是啥动物… V2: 阅读,一个就是gwd原题,那个fast啊forage,一个动物哺乳期之类的怎么样,另一个怎么样,另一个有个特例,那个特例怎么样,那个特例为什么这么样。。。 考古(GWD原文已确认) T-4-Q24~27: TS-7-33~36 Untilrecently, zoologists believed that all species of phocids (true seals), a pin-nipped family, use a different maternal strategy than do otariids (fur seals and ?sea lions), another pin niped family. Mother otariids use a foraging strategy. They acquire moderate energy stores in the form of blubber before arriving at breeding sites and then fast for 5 to 11 days after birth. Throughout the rest of the lactation (milk production) period, which lasts from 4 months to 3 years depending on the species, mother otariids alternately forage at sea, where they replenish their fat stores ,and nurse their young at breeding sites. Zoologists had assumed that females of all phocids species, by contrast, use a fasting strategy in which mother phocids, having accumulated large energy stores before they arrive at breeding sites, fast throughout the entire lactation per


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