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交际-星座起源 到公元二世纪,托勒密在他的《天文学大成》中记录了48个星座中的1022颗恒星,这也是现代星座的原型。 The current list of 88 constellations recognised by the International Astronomical Union since 1922 is based on the 48 listed by Ptolemy in his Almagest(天文学大成) in the 2nd century. 星座及天体的命名 [编辑]古代星座的命名 因为古代文明之间相对隔绝,在不同文化里,星星组成的图案被赋予了不尽相同的形象。例如北斗七星在古希腊被视作熊的尾巴;中国人则将它看作舀酒的器具斗;英国人认为它是耕田的犁;法国南部的人认为它是平底锅;庞尼印第安人认为它是担架上的病人;玛雅人认为那是七只金刚鹦鹉;印度人将它看作是七位智者;罗马人则看作是七头牛。[参 8][参 9] 中国古代星官体系反映的是人间的社会体系,星官的名字来自帝王将相、宫廷庙宇、军营车骑、农耕狩猎等各个方面。这体现了中国古代文化的“天地对应”和“天人合一”的思想。[参 11] 西方星座系统中星座的名字多数来源于希腊神话中的人物和动物,而对于在希腊本土看不到的近南极星区,约翰·拜耳用与大海及海中的生物相关的名词予以命名。之后法国天文学家尼可拉·路易·拉卡伊用科学装置和仪器的名称命名了13个亮星较少的星区(有一个例外“山案座”)。[参 6] Because the ancient civilization is relatively isolated. in different culture, stars pattern are endowed with different image For example, the Big Dipper in ancient Greece were regarded as the bears tail; Chinese people considered it to be a wine utensil bucket; the British people think it is the plowman plow; southern France, people believe that it is the pan; Pang, Indians believe that it is the patient on the stretcher; the Maya believed it was seven Macaw; the Indians will it as the seven wise men; the Romans as the seven head of cattle Chinese ancient star system is a reflection of human social system, star name from the emperor, imperial temple camp riding, hunting, farming and other aspects.This reflects the culture of ancient Chinas Heaven corresponding and harmony thinking.[reference 11] [编辑]现代星座的命名 现代星座常使用的88星座里包含14个人类形象、9种鸟类、2种昆虫、19种陆地动物、10种水生物,2个半人马怪物以及29种非生物;头发、巨蛇、龙、飞马、河流各一(种数之和超过88是因为某些星座里不止一个形象)。[参 8] 现代星座使用的正式名称使用的是拉丁文[参 9],其拼写固定,但是读音因人而异。[参 27]在英文中也会用“拉丁文+英文”的昵称来表达星座,如南鱼座被称为“Piscis Austrinus the southern fish”。[参 27]在1922年于罗马召开的第一届天文学联合会大会上,第三委员会提交了3字母星座缩写符号的决议(如“Psc”代表“Pisces”,即双鱼座),并获得了通过。[参 28][参 29][参 30] [编辑]恒星的命名 modern constellation naming The modern constellation used 88 constellation contains 14 human figures, 9 species of birds, 2 species of insects, 19 species of terrestrial animal, 10 kinds of


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