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UIC国际铁路标准IRS70101《高速铁路实施项目提出阶段》浅析 费建波 中国铁路经济规划研究院 X 关注成功! 加关注后您将方便地在 我的关注中得到本文献的被引频次变化的通知! 新浪微博 腾讯微博 人人网 开心网 豆瓣网 网易微博 摘????要: 随着海外铁路项目增加, 国内铁路行业的科研人员、设计人员、施工人员需充分了解认识国际标准。UIC国际铁路标准IRS70101《高速铁路实施项目提出阶段》中的“项目提出阶段”与《铁路建设项目预可行性研究、可行性研究和设计文件编制办法》 (TB 10504—2007) 中“预可行性研究”都是对项目前期所做工作的规定。通过两个文件的对比分析可知, UIC国际标准要求预可行性研究前有机会研究的内容, 并且在预可研阶段规定了“全寿命周期”这一线路推荐技术指标。另外, UIC国际标准重视对既有交通情况调查。充分认识国际标准与中国标准在项目前期工作中的差异, 有利于完善我国铁路建设前期工作内容, 并指导海外高速铁路项目的具体实施。 关键词: UIC标准; 预可行性研究; 机会研究; 寿命周期; 既有交通情况调查; UIC International Railway Standards IRS70101Implementation of a High-speed Railway Emerging Phase Brief Analysis FEI Jianbo China Railway Economic and Planning Research Institute; Abstract: With the increase of overseas railway project, international standards should be fully understood by scientific researchers, designers, constructor. The Emerging Phase in the IRS70101 Implementation of a High-speed Railway Emerging Phase and the Pre-feasibility Study Guidelines for Preparing Pre-feasibility Study and Design Documents for Railway Engineering Projects (TB10504-2007) are in the same stage for the preparation of a railway project. By comparing and analyzing the two documents, its clear that Emergence Phrase is needed before Pre-feasibility study in the UIC international standard, and a preliminary major parameterlife cycle should be proposed for Pre-feasibility study according to UIC international standard. In addition, traffic survey is strongly emphasized by referencing the UIC international standard. By fully understanding the differences of the international standard and Chinese standard, the preliminary work required before railway construction in China can be improved and the implementation of overseas high-speed railway project will be smoother. Keyword: UIC standard; pre-feasibility study; opportunity study; life cycle; traffic survey; 1 概述 国际铁路联盟 (UIC) 高速铁路实施系列标准, 将高速铁路建设分为5个阶段。UIC国际铁路标准IRS70101《高速铁路实施项目提出阶段》 (以下简称IRS70101) 提供了高速铁路建设的第一个阶段, 即项目提出阶段的实施建议。其中规定了项目提出阶段的目标


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