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论陶渊明的田园诗 兰州城市学院文学院2010级学员 邓海萍 内容摘要:本文试图用传统的社会学方法为主,以心理学方法和文化研究方法为辅,探讨陶渊明田园诗的艺术特点和回归自然、追求精神自由的个性美。 陶渊明长期在农村与农民为伍,这使他对农村有更多的了解,对农民有更多的同情,因而他的思想和行为就少了一份士大夫的文雅与风流,而多了一份田园的质朴与清新。陶渊明在仕途上不得志,生活中也很不顺心,陶几次徘徊于仕隐之间。又促使陶渊明接受了道家回归自然、向往自由的思想,平心静气地把田园和田园生活作为自己的生活氛围和理想归宿,把自我融入田园中。他的灵魂与田园密不可分,达到了天人合一的境界,因而他能用清新朴素的语言描述淳朴自然的生活与心情。其诗歌结构浑融一体,描写景物,神与物会而少夸张铺饰。选词造句看似信手拈来,却用心良苦。 关键词:陶渊明 生平思想 田园诗 艺术美 Summary: this paper attempts to use traditional methods of sociology, psychology and research methods in cultural supplement, discussion on the artistic characteristics of Tao Yuanmings pastoral poetry and personality beauty of returning to nature, the pursuit of spiritual freedom. Tao Yuan-mings long run in rural areas and farmers, which made him more about rural areas, farmers have moreympathy with his thoughts and actions, this is less of a scholar-officials of the elegant and romantic, and a pastoral simplicity and freshness. On Tao Yuan-ming in career does not have a successful career, life is very frustrated, pottery around several times between the official hidden. Tao Yuan-mings accepted the return to nature, and longing for freedom of thought of Taoist school, calm and idyllic pastoral life as their ideal of life and incidence, integrate themselves into the fieldsAnd his soul is inseparable from the pastoral, reached the realm of heaven, so that he can use the clean simplicity of language describes the simple and natural life and feelings. Hun into the structure in one ofits poems, describing scenes, shop of God and be less exaggerated decorations. Choice of words to form sentences seem handy, but well intentioned. Key words: life thought of Tao Yuan-mings poems art 前言: 陶渊明出身于官宦家庭,陶渊明出生时,他的家庭己衰落,加上他12岁丧父,以至一生下来就过着贫穷的生活,日常生活中也雇不起仆人,生计也成了问题,不仅如此,陶渊明在仕途上不得志,生活中也很不顺心,他一直隐居农村,因而他的绝大部分时间都在农村与农民为伍。逐渐接近社会底层,这使他对农村有更多的了解,对农民有更多的同情。贫困的生活又迫使他不得不参加一些力所能及的劳动,并且也改变了他对劳动的看法。隐居农村,陶渊明交往的大多是他的邻曲,而非达官贵人。长时间的潜移默化,陶渊明的思想和行为,也就少了一些士大夫的文雅与风流,从而多了一份田园的质朴与清新。志不得伸,又促使他接受了道家回归自然、向往自由的思想,把田园当作理想王


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