go see the doctor 去看医生 英语.pptx

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go see the doctor 去看医生 英语

Go see the doctor;headache:头痛 (body)temperature:体温 drugstore:药房 typhoid fever:伤寒症 therapy 疗法 Diagnosis n. 诊断 recover 复原,痊愈 feel one’s pulse 量脉搏 take one’s blood pressure 量血压 绷带bandage 过敏 Allergy 健康诊断 General Check-up 检查physical examination 入院 Admission to Hospital 出院 be discharged from Hospital 治疗 Treatment 预防 Prevention 尿 Urine ;take one’s temperature 量体温 give a prescription/ prescribe a medicine/ write out a prescription 开药 make up a prescription 配药 take medicine/ take pills 吃药 get an injection/ have an injection/ receive an injection 打针 have an operation 动手术 antibiotic 抗生素 vitamin 维他命 aspirin 阿司匹林 skin disease:皮肤病 脉搏数 Pulse Rate 血压 Blood Pressure 副作用 Side Effect 慢性的 Chronic 急性的 Acute 流行性的 Epidemic 抗生素 Antibiotic ;symptoms症状 have a cold 感冒 flu 流感 have a cough 咳嗽 have a sore throat 嗓子痛 have a stomachache 胃痛 have a toothache 牙痛 have a fever 发烧 feel dizzy 头晕 cancer 癌,恶性肿瘤 medication 药物 pills 药丸 tablet 药片 eye drops 眼药 sneeze 打喷嚏 hiccup 打嗝 vomit 呕吐 sick 恶心 bad cold:重伤风 sore throat:喉痛 ;;;看医生 (2) P = Patient  R = Receptionist  D = Doctor P: Hi, my name is Randy Horn. I have an appointment to see the doctor at 10: 30. R: If youll please take a seat, Mr. Horn, the doctor will be ready to see you shortly. (Ten minutes later) Mr. Horn? The doctor will see you now. D: Hi, Randy, what seems to be the trouble? P: Ive got a really bad sore throat and my head hurts. My muscles ache and I have no energy. D: Let me take your temperature. Lets see...101 degrees. Youre running a fever. Let me take a look at that throat. Open up and say ah. P: Ah... (to be continued) ;病 人:嗨,我是蓝蒂?郝恩。我十点半和医生约好要看病。 接待员:请坐,郝恩先生,医生会很快看您的病。(十分钟之后)郝恩先生?医生现在要看您的病了。 医 生:嗨,蓝蒂,哪里不舒服呢? 病 人:我喉咙很痛,头也疼。我的肌肉痛,没有力气。 医 生:让我量一量你的体温。我看看…???(华氏)一百零一度。你正在发烧。让我看一看你的喉咙。张开嘴巴说『啊』。 病 人:啊……(待续);3.A: I feel dizzy and I have a headache. B: How long have you been sick? A: Since yesterday. B: You seem to be generally run-down. A: What can I do? B: Its nothing serious, but youd


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